====== Enhanced Troops ====== Enhanced, or medium, troops are level 4 warriors, and probably make up the bulk of your standing army. They are professional soldiers, who have served their time as light troops and then undertaken extra training. They expect only to be used in times of war or civil insurrection, and don’t do basic patrols or civic policing. They are a 1bp upgrade from Light Troops. * Settlement Watchtowers and Walls come with Town Guards - their troops __can't__ be upgraded. * Wilderness Watchtowers, Base Camps, large camps and Redoubts all come with Scouts - their troops __can't__ be upgraded. * Military Jetties do not start with any troops, but may house up to six marine troops added as further developments - their troops be upgraded. * Residential Properties and Mercenary Bases come with Private Guards - their troops __can't__ be upgraded. * - * All other buildings can start with any type of light troops - their troops can be upgraded. * All enhanced troops are built with the [[campaign_systems_kingdombuilding:masscombat:trooptemplate#medium_troops|Medium]] Troops Template, and are a 1bp upgrade from Light Troops. * Cavalry Troops must have the [[campaign_systems_kingdombuilding:masscombat:trooptemplate#cavalry_troops|Cavalry]] Troops Template applied as well. ------ ===== EnhancedTroops (Unit) ===== ++++Medium Foot (Unit)| * N Medium humanoid (human, troop) * Init +1; Senses Perception +1 * Unit Size:13 * Gear: See individual listings * __DEFENSE__ * AC 22, touch xx, flat-footed xx (+5 armor,+2 Shield, +1 Dex, +4 Medium ) * hp 84 * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Defensive Abilities troop traits * __OFFENSE__ * Speed 20 ft. * Melee troop (4d6) * Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. * __STATISTICS__ * See individual listings * SQ None * __SPECIAL ABILITIES__ * Elite troops ++++ ++++Medium Cavalry (Unit)| * N Medium humanoid (human, troop) * Init +1; Senses Perception +1 * Unit Size:7 + 7 * Gear: See Individual Listing * __DEFENSE__ * AC 24, touch xx, flat-footed xx (+5 armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex, medium +4, Cavalry +2) * hp 99 * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Defensive Abilities troop traits * __OFFENSE__ * Speed 40 ft. * Damage: 3d6 * Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. * __STATISTICS__ * See Individual Listing * __SPECIAL ABILITIES__ * None ++++ ===== Medium Troops (Individual) ===== All medium troops are built with the [[campaign_systems_kingdombuilding:masscombat:trooptemplate#medium_troops|Medium]] Troops Template, and are a 1bp upgrade from Light Troops. ++++ Southern Guard (Medium Foot)| This general infantry unit can go toe-to-toe or provide covering fire. * Warrior L4 * Initiative: +1 Perception +6, Sense Motive +6 * AC: 18 HP: 38 (4d10+12) * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Melee: MW Long Sword +7 (d8+1 19-20 x2) |||| Dagger +5 (d4+1 19-20 x2) * Ranged: Heavy Crossbow +6 (D10 19-20 x2)) ||| Dagger +5 (d4+1 19-20 x2) Range 10 * * Str:12, Dex:12, Con:12, Wis:12, Int:12, Cha:12 (+1 bonus all abilities) * Feats: L1: Toughness, Race: Iron Will (Will save +2), L3 Weapon Focus (Long Sword) * Skills: Climb -3 (+5), Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +6, Perception +2, Profession(Soldier) +6, Sense Motive +2, Swim -3 (+5) | & 3 spare (in brackets - without AC Penalty) (ac penalty = -8) * Favoured Class: HPx3 * * Gear: Chain Mail, Heavy Shield (steel), Long Sword, Heavy Crossbow, Dagger. ++++ ++++ Southern Cavalry (Medium Cavalry)| This general cavalry unit can go toe-to-toe or provide covering fire. * N Medium humanoid (human, troop) * Init +1; Senses Perception +1 * Unit Size:7 + 7 * Gear: See Individual Listing * __DEFENSE__ * AC 22, touch xx, flat-footed xx (+5 armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex, SQ+4) * hp 142 (14d8+79) – con +1, toughness +1, favoured class +1, SQ +2(Man and Horse) * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Defensive Abilities troop traits * __OFFENSE__ * Speed 40 ft. * Melee troop (3d6+1) (Man and Horse) * Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. * __STATISTICS__ * See Individual Listing * __SPECIAL ABILITIES__ * None ++++ ==== Non Human Troops ==== [[campaign_systems_kingdombuilding:masscombat:trooptemplate#medium_troops|Medium]] Dwarf Cavern Guards ++Note|(The public face of the Dwarf Militia)++