====== Leisure ====== I am thinking of adding this new leisure category. |Classification|Name|Cost BP|Economy|Loyalty|Stability|Notes| |Hospitality |Brothel {★★}|1|1|0|0|Basic Brothel| |Hospitality |House of Pleasure{★★}|2|2|0|0|High class brothel| |Hospitality |Gambling Den|1|1|0|0|Cards, Dice, & other small games of chance| |Hospitality |Dance Hall|1|1|0|0|What it says on the tin - loud and raucous| |Hospitality |Gambling House|2|2|0|0|Cards, Dice, & larger games of chance| |Hospitality |Large Dance Hall|2|2|0|0|Even Louder and more raucous.| |Hospitality |Small Amphitheatre|2|2|0|0|Open Air venue suitable for Plays, music recitals, and small sports contests (Boxing, Wrestling, duels, cockfighting, bear baitings etc)| |Hospitality |Theatre|3|2|1|1|Enclosed venue suitable for Plays, music recitals, and small sports contests (Boxing, Wrestling, duels etc)| |Hospitality |Amphitheatre|4|3|1|1|Large open-air venue suitable for team games (Such as Scrymball or Buntball) and small spectacles.| |Hospitality |Hippodrome|6|4|2|2|Very large open-air venue suitable for Equestrian Events such as Polo, Chariot Races, Horse races, and Jousting and large spectacles.| |Civic|Public Amphitheatre|3|1|2|2|Large open-air venue suitable for team games (Such as Scrymball or Buntball) and small spectacles.| |Civic|Public Gardens|1|0|1|1|Walkways running through shrubbery and formal flower bed.| |Civic|Park|1.5|0|2|1|Large Informal Gardens, with a pond and some grassed areas.| |Civic|Sports Park|1|0|1|1|A grassed area lined out for sporting activity, surrounded by a narrow informal shrubbery. They come with an Amateur Team, who often take the district/area name.| Personal |Classification|Name|Cost BP|Notes| |Personal| Small Yacht | 1 | Pleasure Vessel. You must have one free docking space at a jetty, wharf or quayside that you own| |Personal| Medium Yacht | 2 | Pleasure Vessel. You must have two free docking space at a jetty, wharf or quayside that you own|