====== Finaroka Town ====== While you will find a number of small bars, crafters and take-away food shops in Finaroka, these are the most significant. - **The Governor’s Palace** is the original castle, and still has good defensive walls. The ‘Inner Court’ is home to The Governor’s staff and offices, and deals with a lot of the administration of the island and holding. Lady Tara Briganda-Shay has a large apartment in the places, for her personal use, and a series of formal ‘state’ rooms that she uses for entertaining guests. It is rumoured that her apartments include a shrine to the Royal Ancestors and rooms suitable for magic use and research. - ** Governor’s Gate** an outer bailey, between the palace and town. It also contains Barracks for the Governor’s personal guard. - ** Bayani Estate** – A fortified Manor House, that is home to Balan Bayani of the Razardi Isles. House Bayani are a part of the FFTC - and this has the potential to become one of their key trade routes. They oversee the FFTC contracts and incentive schemes in the region. - **Caratan Estate** - A fortified Manor House, that is home to Vanta Caratan, wizard and purveyor of Magic Items. House Caratan is a noble wizarding family, based in The Tannery States, although family members are spread across the Empire and beyond. - **[[consolidated:finaroka:finaroka_naval_base|Finaroka Naval Base]]** is home to the small squadron of Imperial Navy ships assigned to Finaroka. Technically, they are only here to protect citizens of Hann and their possessions - but they form the main naval defence force for Finaroka. They have the facilities to repair and maintain ships, and (for a fee) can be induced to repair civilian vessels. - **The Commodore’s Tower** is a tower-house, within the confines of the Naval Base, that serves as a home for Commodore Yarbro, head of Finaroka’s Imperial Navy squadron. While the commodore has an apartment in the Tower, it also serves as her office and naval HQ. Its small size reflects the size of the force, and her position as the most junior squadron commander in the whole of the Imperial Navy. - **Commercial Docks** - Close to the Naval Base, the commercial dock has three wharves and a number of warehouses. FFTC control the wharves and own most of the warehouse space here. - **[[.FinarokaBoatyard|Finaroka Boatyard]]** - The boatyard is located within the commercial docks, and can make a few different types of small vessels. However, it can only build Hann-style vessels. - **The Temple of Abadar** is much more than that. Since the early days of Finaroka, Abadar’s clerics have looked after much of the city’s administration. The Temple complex includes a disputes court, the weights and measures office, the market office, and a bank – as well as their normal temple. They deal with contracts, marriage and other such matters - and are integral in the running of Finaroka. - **St Cuthbert’s Chapel** – a small chapel to St Cuthbert, guardian of truth, honesty, common sense and duty. Many of the Governor’s Guards and the Marines from the Naval base visit the shrine to make small donations and seek blessing. - **The House of the Small Gods** - close to the docks, the House of the Small Gods has shrines dedicated to Takri, Shan and Azan. – Many sailors and fisherfolk find their way there, to make small offerings. - **The Wayhouse** – is a cross between a shrine to the Goddess Way, a tavern and a traveller’s hostel. Bunks and sleeping spaces in dormitories accommodate sailors, travellers, and newly arrived adventurers, while the common room serves many fisherfolk and labourers as a simple tavern. They sell inexpensive bottled ales and wines (but don’t sell spirits), and regularly serve up fish stew for dinner. - **The Mordane Hotel** - a rather grandly named hotel, that offers good food and well-appointed rooms. Its sedate and sumptuous bar and restaurant is favoured by Military Officers and the professional members of Finaroka’s population. Even the Governor has been seen there on occasion. - **The Golden Corn Inn** – has a reasonable bar and kitchen, and sells a respectable range of food and drink. Its rooms are quite small, with limited range of services. It is favoured by the many of the town’s population. - **The Market Square** – filled with farmers, fisherfolk and other small traders selling their wares, the Market is right outside the Temple of Abadar - where the priests can keep an eye on what is happening and what is being sold. The Market Office, where you buy a trade licence, is part of the temple of Abadar. Fish and local farm produce occupy many stalls, but you can also find a soup kitchen, a bakery stall and others selling day-to-day and general items. Quite often you will find a busker or two, or even a travelling barber. Small farms dot the hinterland, and the town's orchards grow a large selection of fruit.