====== The Imperial Army ====== The Imperial Army is a double-edged sword. Much of the time, they serve on the borders of member states and help protect from barbarians, humanoids and ravenous monsters. However, they are also the force that provides the strength behind the Empire's law and structure. If a state get out of hand, and the rest of the empire decides to take action, it is the imperial army that leads the intervention. They are supported by troops sent from the Nations, but The Imperial Army are in control of the action, provide the leadership and the most senior officers. Roughly speaking, about 1/3 of the army serve on the borders, a third are garrison at Empire Holdings and a third are either travelling or on leave. They act as a stick and a carrot at the same time. There are three different troop types. * **Foot Soldiers** make up well over half of the Imperial Army. Armed with Scale Mail, Heavy Shield and Longsword, they are a force to be reckoned with. They have access to heavy crossbow to lay down a hail of bolts, should they need to defend a position. * **Scouts** dressed in Studded Leather and armed with both Longbows and Short-Swords ensure the route is clear and provide covering fire, as required. * **Cavalry** mounted on medium warhorse and armer with Scale, Heavy Shield, Lance and flair are the shock troops - although these are by far the smalled division of the army.