====== The Imperial Navy ====== Charged with patrolling the Empire's coastline, they transport soldiers back and forth around the Empire as required. ===== Personnel Descriptions===== * **Sailors** are generally experts or commoners with sailing skills. In combat they defend their own vessel using boarding pikes and clear the rigging of enemy vessels with light crossbow fire. * **Marines** are warriors, trained as maritime light infantry, who operate the siege engines and are the first line of attack. They wear studded leather armour and fight with cutlass and buckler in melee, but have access to light crossbows for ranged combat.. * **Rowers** provide power for the various galleys and warships of the imperial Navy. Although they are mainly commoners, they are the second line of attack, clambering over the side of enemy ships, en masse, armed with boarding pikes. ++Who would be a rower?|(Lets face it, Naval Rower is a crappy job, but it is a regular job, and many commoners don't have regular jobs, and survive hand to mouth. It is hard labour, but many commoners are labourers, and their work hard as well. The perks are regular food, and decent accommodation when you are ashore. Also, wages are split, a regular wage when you are ashore, and sea pay can be saved and taken as a lump at the end of your service - which gives you a stake to start building a life after you leave the navy. On top of that, Naval 'Bounty' regulations mean they get a bonus every time an enemy ship is captured.)++ ===== Example Profiles ===== **Senior Officers** should all have personalized individual profiles that probably include PC classes. **Naval Profiles** ++++Naval Lieutenant (Auxiliary, Expert/Aristo) | * Auxiliary, Male Human Adept3/Aristo1 (Lieutenant) * Init +0 (+0 Dex, +0 Misc); Spd Walk 30 ft.; * Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5; * AC 16 (touch 11, flatfooted 13), HD (4d8)+8; hp 29; * MELEE: Dagger +2 (1d4+1 19-20/x2), Short Sword +2 (1d6+1 19-20x2) * RANGED: Crossbow, Light +2 (1d8 19-20/x2), Dagger (Thrown) +2 (1d4+1 19-20) * STR 12, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 12 * Skills: Climb +7, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8 , Know(Geography)+8, Perception +7, Profession (Sailor) +11, Profession (Soldier) +5, Swim +7 (21 to spend) * Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Sailor +3) Toughness * Trait: Auxiliary (proficient with LXB & Dagger; Prof Soldier +1) * Possessions: 1x studded Leather, Buckler; 10x Crossbow Bolts; 1 Dagger; 1 Crossbow, Light, 1x Club (truncheon, sign of rank) ++++ ++++ Naval Petty Officer (Auxiliary, Expert)| * Auxiliary, Male Human Adept3 (Petty Officer) * Init +0 (+0 Dex, +0 Misc); Spd Walk 30 ft.; * Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; * AC 14 (touch 11, flatfooted 13), HD (3d6)+6; hp 23; * MELEE: Dagger +2 (1d4+1 19-20/x2), club +2 (1d6+1 x2) * RANGED: Crossbow, Light +2 (1d8 19-20/x2), Dagger (Thrown) +2 (1d4+1 19-20) * STR 12, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 12 * Skills: Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7 , Know(Geography)+6, Perception +7, Profession (Sailor) +10, Profession (Soldier) +5, Swim +7 * Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Sailor +3) Toughness * Trait: Auxiliary (proficient with LXB & Dagger; Prof Soldier +1) * Possessions: 1x Leather; 10x Crossbow Bolts; 1 Dagger; 1x LXB, 1x Club (truncheon, sign of rank) ++++ ++++Naval Sailor (Auxiliary, Commoner) | * Auxiliary, Male Human Commoner3 (Sailor) * Init +0 (+0 Dex, +0 Misc); Spd Walk 30 ft.; * Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; * AC 13 (touch 10, flatfooted 13), HD (3d6)+6; hp 19; * MELEE * Dagger +1 0(1d4 19-20/x2) * RANGED * Crossbow, Light +1 (1d8 19-20/x2) * Dagger (Thrown) +1 (1d4 19-20) * STR 11, DEX 11, CON 11, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 11 * Skills: Climb +5, Profession (Sailor) +4, Profession (Soldier) +5, Swim +5 * Feats: Great Fortitude, Endurance, Toughness * Trait: Auxiliary (proficient with LXB & Dagger; Prof Soldier +1) * Possessions: 1x Leather; 10x Crossbow Bolts; 1 Dagger; 1 LXB ++++ ++++Naval Rower (Auxiliary, Commoner) | * Auxiliary, Male Human Commoner3 (**Naval Rower**) * Init 0 (+0 Dex, +0 Misc); Spd Walk 30 ft.; * Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; * AC 12 (touch 10, flatfooted 12), HD (3d6)+6; hp 19; * MELEE: Boarding Pike +1 0(1d8 20/x3); Dagger +1 (1d4 19-20) * RANGED: Dagger +1 (1d4 19-20) * STR 11, DEX 11, CON 11, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 11 * Skills: Climb +4, Perception +5, Profession (Soldier) +5, Swim +5 * Feats: Great Fortitude, Endurance, Toughness * Trait: Naval Rower (Proficient with Boarding Pike & Dagger; Prof(Soldier) +1) * Possessions: 1x Leather; 1x Boarding Pike 1x Dagger; ++++ **Marine Profiles** ++++ Marine Lieutenant (Light Foot, Fighter/Aristo) | * Fighter3/Aristo1 (Marine Lieutenantt) * Initiative: +1 Perception: 1 * AC: 14 HP: 37 (3d+9) * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +5 * Melee: Cutlass +4 (d6+1 18-20x2); Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) * Ranged: LXB +4 (d8 19-20 x2) Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) Range 10 * * Str:12, Dex:12, Con:12, Wis:12, Int:13, Cha:12 (+1 bonus all abilities) * Feats: L1: Toughness (+3hp) , Race: Iron Will (Will save +2), L3 Athletic (+2 Swim, Climb) * Special – Armour Training: reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1 * Bonus Feat 1: Aquatic Combatant: +2 bonus on Swim checks; avoid normal penalties on melee attack rolls underwater * Bonus Feat 2: Exotic Weapon: Light Ballista * Skills: Climb +9, Diplomacy +8, Profession(Soldier) +6, Profession(Sailor) +5, Intimidate +8, Swim +11 | * Favoured Class: HPx3 * * Gear: Leather Armour, Buckler, Cutlass, Dagger x6, LXB. ++++ ++++ Marine Sergeant (Light Foot, Fighter) | * Fighter L3 (Marine Sergeant) * Initiative: +1 Perception: 1 * AC: 14 HP: 30 (3d+9) * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Melee: Cutlass +4 (d6+1 18-20x2); Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) * Ranged: LXB +4 (d8 19-20 x2) Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) Range 10 * * Str:12, Dex:12, Con:12, Wis:12, Int:12, Cha:12 (+1 bonus all abilities) * Feats: L1: Toughness (+3hp) , Race: Iron Will (Will save +2), L3 Athletic (+2 Swim, Climb) * Special – Armour Training: reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1 * Bonus Feat 1: Aquatic Combatant: +2 bonus on Swim checks; avoid normal penalties on melee attack rolls underwater * Bonus Feat 2: Exotic Weapon: Light Ballista * Skills: Profession(Soldier) +6, Profession(Sailor) +5, Intimidate +7, Climb +9, Swim +11 | * Favoured Class: HPx3 * * Gear: Leather Armour, Buckler, Cutlass, Dagger x6, LXB. ++++ ++++ Marine (Light Foot, Warrior) | * Warrior L3 (Marine) * Initiative: +1 Perception: 1 * AC: 14 HP: 30 (3d+9) * Fort +4: Ref 1: Will +3 * Melee: Cutlass +4 (d6+1 18-20x2); Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) * Ranged: LXB +4 (d8 19-20 x2) Dagger +4 (d4+1 19-20 x2) Range 10 * * Str:12, Dex:12, Con:12, Wis:12, Int:12, Cha:12 (+1 bonus all abilities) * Feats: L1: Toughness (+3hp) , Race: Iron Will (Will save +2), L3 Athletic (+2 Swim, Climb) * Skills: Profession(Soldier) +6, Profession(Sailor) +5, Intimidate +7, Climb +8 (+9), Swim +8 (+9) | * Favoured Class: HPx3 * * Gear: Leather Armour, Buckler, Cutlass, Dagger x6, LXB. ++++ ===== Vessels ===== You can find details of these vessels on [[pathfinder:off-the-shelf:ships_boats:ships_and_boats#naval_ship_yard|The Naval Dockyard]] page. * Local Patrol Vessels are used for patrolling Harbours and very local waters. * Area Patrol Vessels cover the wider area, particularly on rivers and lakes. * Small Galleys are ideal for coastal (and, perhaps, lake) patrols. * Men-o-War are sailing ships, equipped for war. They are capable of covering long distances. * Warships are sailing galleys, with heavy firepower and a marine detachment, that are mainly used in local waters. * Great Galleys are, perhaps, the largest and most powerful vessels in The Hann Sea - however, they don't cope well with open water, or in oceans.