====== Campaign Specific Background Possibilities ====== These campaign specific backgrounds, might help create a suitable backstory for your character, and will help you find them a place in the Campaign World. * **Noble Blood**. Take your first level as Aristocrat – and get an extra 100gp to spend at L1. You have a distant link to a noble family (see the list for some possible Noble Famillies) and you were fostered at the court of a King (Duke, Prince etc). While you were there, you learned about the ways of the court (You must take a point of Knowledge: Noble) and were assigned to one of the court masters as their apprentice, so you have learned all the skills you need to start your new career once you hit level two. * **Royal Blood**. (House of Shay) Either start off as a Cleric of The Royal Ancestors or as a Sorceror (with either Dragonkind or Aquatic bloodline). However, you are restricted to one of those classes and can never multiclass into the other, as that would make you a potential candidate for the crown of Porters Bar – and that doesn’t fit well with the game setting :} Your mother will have been a minor member of the Porters Bar court. You will have a blood link to The Governor, although you won’t know her personally or have easy access to her - although you might (very occasionally) be invited to afternoon tea with her. * **Royal Blood** (House Briganda) - need to think of suitable restrictions here. You will have a blood link to The Governor, although you won’t know her personally or have easy access to her - although you might (very occasionally) be invited to afternoon tea with her. * **Pirate**. Probably from the Razardi islands, you grew up poor, and took a job as a Cabin Boy/Girl on a pirate ship. Unfortunately, your first trip out was a failure and the ship’s crew was captured. Your captain had targeted a Hann Empire ship – and while most of the senior members of the crew were executed, you were sentenced to exile. That works well with quite a lot of Archetypes - Pirate, Buccaneer, Swashbuckler etc. You must take a point in Profession:Sailor. Note that part of the game will involve pirating and ships, but eventually the party will move inland – although there will be regular river travel involved.