====== The Imperial Faction ====== The governor is Lady Tara Briganda-Shay – scion of two different Royal bloodlines and daughter of four noble houses. She is of one of the highest pedigrees, but is not in line for any throne or title, as there are others in front of her in the various line of succession. In many cases, heirs with a much less storied genealogy than Lady Tara. Just as importantly, like many of her kin, Lady Tara is a well respected academic and wizard, and commands great respect in arcane circles. She has studied at all the great magical universities, and has been known to travel in the untamed mountain ranges inland from Galinia. It is said that her appointment, owes much to that royal, magic using kin and that there has to be a good reason to send one of their strongest, and most established, practitioners to the ‘other side’ of the world. **The House of Shay** are rulers of the city of Porter’s Bar, who have a storied history, that involves fantastic ancestors and fleeing from a repressive state. The house leader is always a Cleric/Sorcerer of great skill – unfortunately you will never be powerful in both of those fields. The house of Shay worship their own ancestors, never any mainstream deity – and are (generally) poor divine casters. They are often better sorcerers. Restriction: You may take a single level of the adept class, if you wish, but you will never progress in any other divine classes. (Note: The Royal Ancestors are not powerful deities, and can only grant spells to L3) If you take sorcerer as a class, you MUST take the Draconic bloodline. **House Briganda** were rulers of Galinia years ago, but lost the lands cataclysmically, a couple of centuries ago. Some 50 years ago, Galinia was reclaimed by XXXX Briganda-Shay, a powerful mage, and house Briganda rule in Galinia again. Unfortunately, you are but a distant cousin of the current ruler. However, you have been given a good education, and you have the opportunity to make a name for yourself. Unfortunately, you have never met the Governor, nor have your parents, so you can’t expect any special favours from her. You do, however, get a +2 Trait Bonus in any one Knowledge skill of your choice. **The Imperial Guard** are well-trained warriors who are tasked to guard imperial personages (such as the governor) and their home. Highly specialized, they are trained in the Falcata and Buckler style of fighting and are a stunning sight in their breastplate and plumed helmet. You joined them, expecting to graduate as an officer, but something went wrong (Perhaps an opponent was accidentally killed in a duel) and you were released from the Military College. However, (as a faction bonus) you are proficient in both the Falcata and Buckler. **The Imperial Navy** are a well respected naval force that travels the empire and beyond. You joined them, expecting to graduate as an officer, but something went wrong (Perhaps an accident at sea) and you were released from the Military College. However, (as a faction bonus) you gain a trait bonus of +2 seamanship. **House Yitis** - have become established as a house without great titles or lands. Instead, small branches of the family operate as soldiers, mercenaries or merchants. Often a mix of all three. This is your chance to make a name for yourself. Your family have paid the passage, and you are expected to create a family base here. Trait benefit - Profession:Soldier is always a class skill for you and +2 trait bonus.