====== Brevoy, by Size ====== This breaks down Brevoy and the colonies into areas by size. Don't get too hung up on it, this represents the approximate area claimed by the various nobles and cities - it doesn't account for population or political power. However, it gives you some idea of equivalent sizes. The US and European 'equivalents' are a **very rough** approximation of area - don't use them as a basis for population, political or military comparisons. //As at Jan 2023// |-||Area (Sq/m) ||US|Europe| ||| |||| |**Brevoy** || 130000||New Mexico|Finland| |Lebeda|| 10000||Vermont|North Macedonia| |Rostland|| 10000||Vermont|North Macedonia| |Surtova|| 8500||Connecticut|Slovenia| |New Stetven|| 8000||Conneticut|Slovenia| |Medveyedd|| 7500||New Jersey|Slovenia| |Orlovsky|| 7000||New Jersey|Slovenia| |Garess|| 6000|| Connecticut|Montenegro| |Lodkoova|| 3500||Delaware|Kosovo| |Skywatch|| 1500||Rhode Island|Luxembourg| |Restov|| 1000||Rhode Island|Luxembourg| |Khavatorov|| 1000||Rhode Island|Luxembourg| |Brundeston|| 150||TINY!|Malta| ||| |||| |**Southern**|| 9500||Vermont|North Macedonia| |Midmarch|| 6000||Connecticut|Montenegro| |Greater Tusk|| 1000||Rhode Island|Luxembourg| |Sunshold|| 1000||Rhode Island|Luxembourg| |Old Keep|| 600||Guam|Greater London (English County)| ||| |||| |**Fort Drelev**|| 450||Guam|Bedfordshire (English County)|