====== The Roost ====== A small town dedicated to the training of soldiers, particularly cavalry, in service to Iomedae. While there are other investors, Iomedae's faithful dominate this small town. //Updated Jan 2023// * **The Villa** - Headquarters for Iomedae's troops in the Southern Region. * **Iomedae's Institute** - A Military College specialising in foot and light cavalry training. * **The Stables** - Primarily servicing the Institute, they also carry horses that are available for hire. * - * **Iomedae's House** - a friary sponsored by The Mission in Tusk. * **Solanus Smithy** - Sponsored by Domitious Solanus, The Smithy provides Masterwork quality weapons and armour. * **Yitis Jetty** - along with a shop and a warehouse. House Yitis provide a ferry and trade link across Lake Candlemere. * In the hinterlands you will find * **Solanus Ranch** - breeding and training horse, the manor House provides a safe and secure home for the Solanus family, when they want to get away from Tusk.