Table of Contents

Balancing the Economy


Your stronghold is defined by five key properties:

If you keep Economy, Loyalty and Stability in balance as you build your stronghold things will go smoothly. If they get out of balance – it leads to Civil Unrest and the DM gets to use the ‘Bad Things happen’ table.

Defence and Spec are slightly different, and must be the lowest of the five main properties. However, Defence must be high enough to cope with internal threats that arise. Villages must have Def+1 (+2 is acceptable, even if it exceeds the limits), Town and Cities must have at least one point of Def per district. This includes any Def points in the same hex as the settlement - no matter where in the hex they are or who owns them. Note, however, that Def plays a major role in times of external conflict (Under the Mass Combat rules) and that 'Noble Status' is partially governed by the number of Def points you control.

Maintaining the Balance

One way to keep your economy 'in balance' is to invite other Characters to invest in your stronghold. There will be other PCs or NPCS who are following other parts of the Kingdom Building Rules - seek out the Priests, Business People and Merchants (who will be looking for somewhere to build) and invite them to build in your settlement. They get to keep the income from their business, but you get to charge them taxes. Don't worry, that is built into the rules and they will have to pay the same taxes wherever they build. However, you will need to ask them for a contribution towards Civic Costs, if you are to keep the economy in balance.

As you start out, you will probably need to invest all of your BPs into Civic Developments that boost your stronghold's Loyalty and Stability. When you move from a Village to a town (and perhaps before) you will probably want to ask Investors for a contribution to Civic Developments BEFORE you give them permission to build in your stronghold. This is where the negotiations with other PCs comes in, and how you can compete with other settlements.

If you have a small party and you are building one settlement between you - the negotiations will be much easier.

Bad Things Happen Table

Bad Things Happen Table

  1. Grumbling and Discontent.
  2. Demonstrations, protests, Anti-social behaviour, vandalism.
  3. Underground groups, violent protests, minor sabotage, minor riots.
  4. Mass riots, serious sabotage, fifth columnists.
  5. Insurrection, civil war.