Table of Contents

Stronghold Stewardship


As the ruler of a stronghold you can't do everything alone. Well you can, but if you have people to help you, you get better results. There are three main roles and two subsidiary roles that can affect the way a Stronghold is run. The more suitable each person is for the role they hold, the more effective your stronghold management will be.

If you control a large area, separate domains or more than one settlement, you will need an administrator to oversee them for you. It might just the senior ranking military commander in the area (certainly in rural and countryside areas) but you might also choose to appoint a specific surrogate leader (especially if it is a large area or you want to reward someone with a title) to oversee things on your behalf.

One of the things you, and your stewardship committee, must do is maintain a balance between Economy, Loyalty and Stability. As soon as they get out of balance, your population starts to get edgy and argumentative.


When you build a Stronghold you must keep Economy, Loyalty and Stability in balance – When you start off, this means they must all be within one point of each other - for example 1,0,0 or 5,6,6 or 22,21,22 are all in balance. Anything outside of that balance (such as 7,8,9) means that there is tension in your stronghold and things start to go wrong. Just out of balance might mean the price of cabbages goes up and your commoners get hungry and grumpy. Right out of balance could mean a full blown civil war. And we all know how the Wangate Cabbage Shortages of ’03 led to the revolution that overthrew the Grand Poobah of Wang … you have been warned!

As your stronghold gets bigger, it becomes a bit more resilient. For example a quickly quelled food protest in the docks district, might not be enough to upset the traders in the Merchant District, or the Rich Folks in the Central District. This is measured by Variance which is examined later.

Stewardship Committee

These are the people who oversee the stronghold and make day to day management decisions, they work in background and their skills are used to judge how well they do. This can include the PC who owns the town, NPCs or a collection of PCs - however, the basic day-to-day stuff still happens in the background.

Stewardship Modifiers

Add the Skill Modifiers from each of the three main priary councillors, then using the Total calculate the Stewardship Consumption Modifier by applying the following formula - (Total-10)/5

Which basically means if the committees total Steward Skills = 15, then you can discount one point of Consumption. If total Steward Skills = 20, then you can discount two points of Consumption. Etc …


Every stronghold is assumed to start out with an alighnment of TN and variance 1. That means the Stronghold stays in Economic Balance if Economy, Loyalty and Stability are all within 1 point of each other. So Economy 2, Loyalty 1, Stability 1 - is in balance. As is Economy 4, Loyalty 3, Stability 4. However, Economy 5, Loyalty 3, Stability 4 is out of balance (at variance 1) as there is a 2 point difference between Economy and Loyalty.

However, the variance can change.

Rulers' Attitude

If the rulers are consistent (lawful) the population have a better idea of the rules and the more the rulers 'care' about their people, the more tolerant the residents will be. So basically, Lawful and Good increase variance, Chaos and evil reduce it. Calculate the council's overall alignment by 'adding up' the alignments of the various councillors - any neutral element of an alignment is ignored, then Cs ans Ls cancel out, Gs and Es cancel out - and take the remainder.


Council Overall Variance table.

LG, 3 NG, 2 CG, 1
LN, 2 TN, 1 CN, 0
LE, 1 NE, 0 CE, -1

Affecting the Council's Alignment.

It is much easier to manage a stronghold with a high variance, rather than with a low variance and you can affect the variance by manipulating the Council's Alignment. Entourage Assistants can be brilliant for this.

There are two minor posts on the Stronghold council, Moderator and Marshal, that can be used to help manage the Council's Overall alignment - however, they must have the right levels of influence to be effective.