Table of Contents

Troop Templates

These 'general templates' are used to build an army in the mass combat rules. While you might have specialist troops guarding your homes, towns and land - when they are used to create an army for the mass combat rules, they all conform to the following broad 'Troop Type' templates.

These templates assign average values that that keep the calculations simple, but still leaves flexibility for you flavour and manage your troops in-game. When a Troop is reduced to zero hit-points they disperse / rout.

Untrained Troops

Untrained Troops represent a peasant uprising, or citizens helping out - they are based on L3 Commoners with no armour and a simple Weapon. A rabble unit consists of about 15 commoners, so if your rabble uprising has 50 people - make an 'army' of 4 'untrained' units. There are no examples of untrained troops, as they are normally an ad-hoc gathering of npcs.

No matter how they are configured - if they are used outside the mass combat system, an untrained Paramilitary troop has the following statistics.

Paramilitary Troops

Para-Military Troops represent The Militia, Military Auxiliaries or other less formal groups, and are built using L3 Experts with light armour and simple Weapons. They probably aren't all Experts, there might be a couple of commoners and a couple of warriors in the group - but using Expert Stats gives a reasonable average. You rarely see these troops, as they operate in the background working, training and generally keeping things running. They only really come into their own when the armies are sent to war - then they take over the day-to-day duties normally carried out by their absent colleagues.

No matter how they are configured - if they are used outside the mass combat system, a Paramilitary troop has the following statistics.

As a unit, Militia troops gain:

Para-Military Troop Examples

Standard Troops

Light Troops should be built using L3 Warriors with Light Armour and Light Weapons. These are the sort of troops that come with any development that adds to Defence (ie Def+1 or better). All developments come with a 'default' troop description - although in many cases that can be changed to fit in with the themes you stress in your Role play. They might be scouts, city guards, mercenaries, infantry soldiers, marines, house guards or any other, similar, unit.

No matter how they are configured - if they are used outside the mass combat system, a Light troop has the following statistics.

Light Troop Examples

Enhanced Troops

Medium Troops must be built using L4 Warriors with Medium Armour and Martial Weapons. Medium troops are always an upgrade for Defence Buildings as you need to pay for all of that extra training and equipment. A unit of Foot consists of 12 Soldiers and 1 Sergeant. A Cavalry unity consists of 6 troopers and a sergeant.

As a unit, Medium troops gain:

Enhanced Troop Examples

Cavalry Troops

Build the basic troops with the appropriate Troop Type and its associated costs - then apply this template. A Cavalry Unit consists of men and horses - so there are only half as many Troopers in a cavalry unity ( the horse has attacks, so it isn't reduced too badly). However, they move more quickly, and are harder to hit. So:…