Finaroka Naval Base

Finaroka Naval base sits next to the town's small harbour, and is home to Officers and Crew of the small military fleet that operates from here, under the command of Commodore Patricia ‘Patch’ Yarbro. Once larger, the fleet has been reduced to two small ships and a couple of patrol boats. While Commodore Yarbro has requested more support from the Imperial Navy, none has been forthcoming. While Commodore Yarbro is based at Finaroke, her primary function (as far as the empire is concerned) is to protect Hann merchants and their vessels on their various sea voyages - in practice, her vessels spend most of their time patrolling the waters around Finaroka. Commodore Yarbro finds it frustrating that she is not able to do her job properly, and that she is not supposed to be helping with the settlement of the mainland. However, The Teazer often calls in at Flower Quay to take on water and make a courtesy visit.

The fleet consists of …


Auxiliary 215
Total Complement 206