Table of Contents

The History of The Hann Empire

The long, and sometimes contentious, history of the Modern Hann Empire.

The Early Days

Before the days of Empire, there was the Hann people. Spread all across the mainland, from East Telida right the way down to what is now known as The Far Coast States. They lived in small family based settlements, organized into larger Clan Holdings - and they followed The Old Gods. They were a mobile society, and moved around their lands with the seasons, and smaller groups often moved on, claiming new land but taking their clan allegiances with them. In RL terms think of a society that is a cross between early Celts, Finnish and Norse cultures - people following their own path, but living in harmony with the land.

They were fearsome in battle, spreading across the land by driving out humanoid and barbarian tribes and clearing monsters from their territory when ever they needed to. They Skirmished amongst themselves, raiding for livestock, wives and prisoners - although prisoners were almost always exchanged. There were great gatherings, times when stories could be exchanged, marriages made, and treaties arranged. It was a society where warriors were leaders and magic was in its infancy, a society with few written records - but they had priests who knew all the laws and customs, and who could manipulate the world in ways that others couldn't understand. Arcane magic wasn't well understood and, to some extent, was feared.

These old ways haven't quite gone, and there are pockets of people who still respect these old gods and their ways. Pockets can be found in East Telida and along the mountain spine, and in The Far Coast states - the spiritual home of the Pagini, Treverii and Marisi clans. It is also recognized as a shared ancestry, which allows the mainland states to find common ground.

Wars and Empires

The Hann were a warrior people, used to skirmishing - and fighting to claim new lands. Eventually they came across the people of Wangate, who bested them in battle and pushed into Hann lands extending their own Empire. Eventually the Wangate Empire took control of the Northern and North Western shores of the Hann Sea. And they brought a new, and controlling, religion with them

During this period of occupation, Urgon was established by settlers/refugees from The Strongholds and Near Coast regions, who brought their own version of the new religion with them. Telida was not occupied but The Wangate empire was constantly skirmishing and attacking looking for openings - and that led to the settlement of the eastern states. In the South, the Zakharans invaded The Far Coast states and established dominion over them.

But there was that common bond between the Hann People, and they fought back. When savages from the mountains weakened Wangate, the subject states took advantage of it to fight back and win their freedom - left unprotected the savages destroyed the city and its people. In the south an uprising, supported by the other Hann nations, drove the Zakharan conquerors out, although many Zakharan settlers stayed behind.

The occupation left its mark behind.

Many sages believe that the new gods (the 3e & PF Pantheons) are a 'maturing' of The Old Gods caused by the stress of constant conflict and the need to become more organized. They note the similarities between many of the gods - arguing that the shift in alignment comes from the need to be better organized in both logistics and defence. They suggest that each tribe/region had different names and physical descriptions for The Old Gods, although their function remained reasonably stable. It is only since tribes and regions have been mixed by the after conquest migrations and the new shipping links - that names and genders became stabilized.

In The North West, The Old Gods were replaced by the new gods (3e Pantheon) - although the more aggressive and domineering gods were prevalent. Then when Angasa was settled the 'New Gods' were migrated as well, albeit in a more manageable form, with Pelor as the chief god. When the Wangate Empire was driven out and destroyed, their gods stayed behind - although other gods came to prominence in the Pantheon led by Pelor. This version of the faith worked its way down the rest of the Western Shore (not Urgon) as the Zakharan conquerors were driven out.

The same happened in the Far coast - when the Zakharans were driven out, many of their temples were destroyed. However, a few survived, because they had forged better relationships with the original residents - and now they form a distinctive part of the regional culture.

The Coming Together

It was under the guidance of The Raven King of Armes, High Herald of Hann, that the states were drawn together into one federal empire. There is no emperor or other single leader, but an Imperial council decides disputes and ratifies treaties between states. There are still occasional skirmishes, but there are plenty of border areas for the young bloods to gain their spurs, fighting monsters and tribesmen - instead of counting coup against their fellow Hann. With a reputation of absolute fairness, The Raven King decides precedence amongst states, ratifies titles and keeps a record of the treaties and history of the Empire.