
Every settlement is expected to collect some basic information about its population, there is some flexibility in quite what is collected and how it is collected. It is often something that is collected by the local church although, in larger settlements, it might be handled by the local administration. Some ‘nations’ such as Urgon and The Tannery States have more centralised systems.

The milestones described below are based on the age progression of Humans, and can probably be made to work for the more common races of the empire. Half-orcs mature slightly faster than humans and are often precocious and keen to move on. Halflings and half-elves, act younger than their age and may be considered ‘slow’ while they are young – but they come into their own later. Other races handle things very differently.


Birth – Every live birth should be recorded somewhere in the local records.

Breeching (7 years of age) – An old-fashioned concept originally restricted to boys, but now accepted as a milestone for all children. It marks the change from childhood (under 7) when children are expected to be carefree, to the stage of their life where they are expected to take some responsibility. Between the ages of seven and fourteen, children should be prepared for their role in life. Most children go to school of some sort – for the wealthier families this might be a formal, full-time, education in a school – for the least wealthy, it might mean a few sessions in the local dame school where they learn the basics of reading and writing. For most, it is somewhere in-between. If they don’t attend school full-time the children work, learning the trade or craft that they will use in later life.

For many families, this is a basic apprenticeship in the same business as their parents (or at least one of them) follow. The child of a Crafter will probably learn their parents’ craft, commoner children might help in the fields or with light work alongside their parents.

If you want to improve your child’s lot in life, this is where you start - give the child the best education and training that you can afford. For most people, this isn’t going to bring much chance of moving up the social ladder - but for adventurers and those lucky citizens who have done well for themselves – there are opportunities. Social Mobility can be fast (for adventurers and those who make serious money) or generational for middling members of the population. For the commoners at the bottom of the social pyramid, it is multi-generational at best.

Coming of age (14 years of age) – Childhood is over, and the individual is expected to become a contributing member of society. In my games, this marks the character’s progression to a L1 commoner (no matter what their eventual class will be). NPC characters who progress to another NPC class spend an extra year in education, either as a formal apprenticeship (most) or at a finishing school (Aristocrat) – although they are still considered to be ‘adult’ and take responsibility. They have finished retraining to their new class after one year. Characters with PC classes follow the guidance in the rule book. For most NPCs it will be the maximum age, or close to it. PCs, who are the best of the best, will often complete their training early.

Starting ages for common races

Class Human Half Orc Half Elf Halfling
Barbarians, Oracles, Rogues, Sorcerers 16-19 15-18 21-26 22-28
Bards, Cavaliers, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Witches 16-21 15 – 20 22-32 23-38
Alchemists, Clerics, Druids, Inquisitors, Magi, Monks, Wizards 17-27 16-26 23-38 24-44


Marriage - Whenever a couple come together formally - and when they part. It is going to be relevant for taxation purposes, if nothing else.

Death – Everyone is entitled to have their death recorded somewhere, so they leave some mark on the world. Just as importantly, they (and their families) are no-longer liable for taxes, dues, fines etc.