Table of Contents

Imperial Titles

Sovereign Rulers

Sovereign Rulers claim the absolute right to rule an area of land such as a state, country or island – however the justification for the claims can be varied. Legally this is known as Allodial Ownership: The land is not subject to the rights of any lord or superior; owned without obligation of vassalage or fealty.

However, within The Hann Empire, each of these Sovereign Rulers has agreed to adhere to the legal principles of the empire, and thus follow The Empire’s Law when required. These mainly deal with defence and trade relations between countries and ‘fair trial’ is required for people of all ranks. However, the exact legal structure is left to individual countries.


Royal Families claim Sovereign rights for the head of their family, known as the Monarch, through birth right. This often arises from an ancient conquest or colonisation by the Family’s founder, and as these rights have been passed down the generations, the populace (generally) comes to accept them. However, there is, as always, a pecking order that differentiates different levels of ‘royalty’. Status is, in broad terms, defined by size and population of the region ruled.

Other Sovereigns

Some sovereign states use other forms of government, and their leaders are normally accorded similar status to other Sovereign Rulers.

Imperial Ranks

Imperial Barons

Imperial Barons are not Royal but all states are required to treat them with the proper respect. They are life awards, that cannot be passed down to heirs, however the title recognizes work they have done on behalf of the empire. They receive a fairly healthy pension for their efforts, and often have the right to live in a grace and favour apartment somewhere, in reasonable luxury. Many, however, are sought after as advisors for local sovereigns or nobles. Most recipients have been …

Imperial Barons are recognized in three different grades.

Imperial Knights

Imperial Knights are people who have performed a fairly major service for the Empire. The Raven King of Arms rates the imperial Order of Hann, as one of the highest and most prestigious orders of knighthood, and counts them among the highest ranking of all the Knightly Orders. It is not reserved for service in battle, and may be awarded to any character who the Imperial Court wishes to honour. However, they are mainly awarded to successful military officers on their retirement, or others who have served the empire well in a hostile environment. There are four ranks within the order.

The rank you are appointed to, when you are appointed to the order, depends on your status, the service that you have provided and, of course, on who you know. These are lifetime appointments, that might be associated with a small (lifetime) stipend, or a land grant that may be passed down to one's heirs. Higher ranking members are senior and more important than lower ranking members, although there are no local chapters to impose a formal hierarchy. The Imperial Knights are so prestigious, that many members prefer to use their Imperial Title ahead of their local tiles - even if the local titles confer great honours.