Table of Contents


Deities from a number of sources, are worshipped across the region. The Pathfinder Pantheon to the East, the 3.5 pantheon to the north, deities from the Al Quadim Setting in the south, there is even an oriental deity as well. Not to mention a few home brew deities as well - however, note that most of the home brew deities are low powered, compared to the 'official' deities.

Human Faiths

Hann Empire

The main states of the Hann Empire follow a number of diverse deities, drawn from the 3e and Pathfinder pantheons. Pelor and Abadar are the most worshipped deities, while Elhona, Erastil, Pharasma and the Green Faith are all prominent.

Friends and Neighbours

A number of smaller states are associated with the Empire, but not a part of it. Each of these smaller states has its own, unique, outlook on life – reflected by philosophies of their favoured deities.

Dwarven Faiths

The Dwarven faith is complicated. They recognise all Dwarven deities although each mine-hold has its own preferred deity. While there are minor disagreements between the various major deities, the philosophies are strongly aligned, and those disagreements just don’t come up in polite society or conversation – and lawful dwarven society is unfailingly polite. Philosophically, they nearly all teach loyalty to Race, Holding and Clan, reinforced by a great respect for the law and a willingness to work for the benefit of the community. There are slight differences but, overall, the faiths are similar enough that there is no real tension between them.

Most other Dwarf deities are part of one of these pantheons.