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Many of the traditional D&D and Pathfinder gods are worshipped in my world, although several home-brew deities have a following as well. However, rather than worshipping individual deities, most people in the world venerate their local pantheon, and recognize the deities of other regions as well. Most gods have their own priests and temples, but some priests might represent a whole pantheon of deities - The Green is a good example of that.

Mainstream Deities

There are many deities from 'traditional' pantheons that I like and incorporate in my games. Some, however, need tweaking to fit in with the game world.

Wee Jas - I have always liked Wee-Jas, and thought that she was one of the more original deities from the D&D pantheon. She started off as a Lawful Neutral deity, changed to having Evil tendencies, but, with 5e, seems to have retuned to her earlier philosophies. I have three separate 'churches' spread around my campaign world: One with strongly LE philosophies, that is a hangover from earlier time, and two others that are more palatable in the 'modern' world.

Homebrew Pantheons

They aren't completely home-brewed :) Some contain deities from the D&D 3.5 rules, some include deities from the pathfinder rules, a few of them are home-brew deities, and some are just different presentations of something that already exists in the rules. However, I feel they give my worlds a slightly different feel, and might make players think about their character background and personality a bit more. All grist to the mill of role-playing.

The Homebrew Gods

The following are a group of bespoke deities and immortals, who have appeared in my games. Most are very minor deities, but they give the world a bit of extra flavour.

Some of these deities are associated with The Paths of the Dead - an RP description of that refers to one aspect of the Plane of Shadow. I borrowed this concept from a game that I played in many years ago when the character, who evolved into Gasgano, found a 'Book of the Dead' which allowed access to grey, colourless, passageways - filled with undead - that allowed fast travel around the world. I used the concept, slightly modified, when I was building death and resurrection systems for Neverwinter Nights persistent worlds, and have used the same concept here.


Demigods are true gods, capable of granting a selection of domains, and offer the full range of divine spells to their priests. They follow all the standard Pathfinder rules for deities.


Quasi-Deities offer their priests a limited selection of domains and low level spells, and are best suited to PC priests who do not expect to be granted high level spells. They are based on the pathfinder Mythic Characters rules, however Quasi-Deities ONLY ever grant spells from Paizo's Adepts spell list, and their specialist domains. However, that gives their priests a flexibility not always found with other deity's priests.


Immortals are not gods, although they have some aspects of godhood. They do not grant spells to followers, but may be patrons of a particular philosophy or lifestyle.