Table of Contents

The Mamluka


Mamluka serve the Sakaran deity Vataqatal, known as The Warrior-Slave, in pseudo-military orders tasked with maintaining the culture and identity of the Sakharan people. More than anything else, they are the one thing that binds Sakhar together as a single entity - while the tribes, cities-states and other social groupings, see themselves as completely independent of each other. The Mamluka fight to preserve the culture that provides a level of social cohesion across Sakhar. Partly because of that responsibility, each of the Mamluka is expected to conduct himself, strictly, according to those customary laws.

They maintain the library of ‘customary laws’ that underpin this social cohesion, and will enforce customary law, as and when they see fit. Partly because of that responsibility, each of the Mamluka is expected to conduct himself, strictly, according to those customary laws. They also assume responsibility for guarding Sakhar from corrupting external influences, and maintain a series of fortifications and strongholds scattered along the borders.

While some recruits are purchased at a young age (Slavery is acceptable within Sakharan Customary Law), many children of Mamluka (and others) are sent to join the order at a young age. All are required to become Slaves of the Order, and serve the order’s leaders faithfully and enthusiastically. Their harsh upbringing in the order’s citadels means this philosophy is embedded deep within their soul and psyche. Many people think of them as something like a Hell Knight Order.

The order is split into Chapters, each with its own citadel and a local ruler who is known as The Amir. The Citadel will have a library of ‘Customary Law’ and members are expected to consult it regularly. Promotion within the order is based on Combat ability and a knowledge of the law - members found wanting might be required to spend two or three years confined to the citadel and use the time to rectify their understanding – daily flagellation is used to help focus their attention. All Mamluka are Lawful Neutral in outlook, and perform their duties with vigour and enthusiasm.

Rank and Structure

Note that these titles are given in the Common translation rather than the local Sakharan language.

Soldiers of the Order - The everyday members of the order who carry out the mundane duties. They guard, protect, row galleys, sail ships, and provide both escort and muscle for higher ranking officers. They have the warrior NPC class, using the Mamluka Archetype (see below)

Sergeants – While everyone starts out as a Soldier, some are selected for advanced training, which starts with retraining them to the Fighter Class, with the Armigier Archetype. These Sergeants might command small units of Soldiers, but are most likely to be found assigned to an officer to support them in their duties – and, of course, to learn from them.

Knights - Sergeants who perform well, and excel at their training, can take the Officer test and, if they pass, progress to the Hell Knight Prestige Class – and become Knights of the Order. They follow the same structure as other Hell Knight Orders, although their rank titles are (obviously) different in their native tongue.

Amir – Each chapter is ruled by an Amir – who is one of the high-ranking officers in the chapter. However, an Amir is appointed for life (or until he retires). At which point the senior Officers of the Chapter appoint a new Amir – although that is subject to ratification from the Sultan. Sultan Mamluka – The most senior Mamluka in the whole of Sakhar. Generally appointed by a conclave of Amirs. The Sultan (or Sultana) is the final word when it comes to interpreting Cultural Law.

However (like Hell Knight Orders) there are special positions, outside the mainstream hierarchy, that can accommodate those candidates who are better suited to serve as priests, arcane casters, or even rogues.

Mamluka (Warrior Archetype)

Stormcliff - Mamluka Citadel

Stormcliff is a Mamluka Citdel, the westernmost town along the Sakaran coast. It serves to defend Sakar from incursions from the west, either from Hann raiders or others with similar intentions. Recently, it has been the departure point for settlers heading south, and a regular stopping point for the Privateers (or pirates, depending on your perspective) who prey on the ships of other colonizing nations.

Its fleet consists of Light Galleys, Bagla and Xebecs, equipped for combat. The rowers and sailors of the Mamluka fleet are all trained Soldiers of the Order, and happily fight alongside their Marine Brethren.

Rowers and sailors are armed with Scimitars and Small Shields, while the Marines are clad in Studded Leather Armour and armed with Boarding Pike, Scimitar and Light Crossbow.