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The Hope for Lost Causes


Alignment: NG

Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Protection

Symbol: A seven pointed star

Patron of Hermits & Heroes and a symbol of Hope.


Arth is generally depicted as an old man dressed in white robes, riding in a flying chariot pulled by a flaming horse.


Arth was born in a small village where the people made a good living as farmers. As a child Arth was content, he lived in his parent’s house, tended the goats and helped in the fields. As he grew, he became withdrawn – spending more time with his goats and sheep than in the village, until eventually he announced that he was going to live as a hermit, in a cave by the Arkheim Circle.

Years passed and Arth achieved a reputation of being both wise and powerful. He could brew potions from the mountain flowers that would cure most illnesses, and occasionally people would travel to his distant cave just to question him. He always had an answer. And always the petitioner knew it was the right answer, even if it was the one he didn't want. One day a young man called Yarma when he came in search of wisdom. He left in the same way as many of the other petitioners, knowing he had been told a terrible and unpalatable truth. But now Arth knew that truth as well. Arth stayed in his cave, harbouring his strength and preparing against the day he foresaw. He carved great statues of a winged horse and a chariot, and then he started building a huge cauldron out of mountain rock before using his magic to decorate all three with the most beautiful pictures of flaming birds (The Phoenix).

Then came the day that Arth had foreseen. Yarma rising, the war, the rain of fire and the great rock from the sky. And Arth was ready. On the last day of destruction - Arth mounted his great chariot and galloped through the air, towing the flying cauldron behind. Dipping down to earth, he let the terrified people climb in. No matter how many climbed in, there always seemed to be room for at least one more, but still he could not save every one.

Arth flew the Chariot among the branches of a great tree, the chariot landed, and the people spilled out. But Arth, their saviour, stood lifeless in his wondrous chariot, as if he, too, were carved of stone. The people started to weep, but a great flaming bird flew among the branches, as Arth and his chariot crumbled to dust. In its place stood a new shining Arth, mounted in a winged chariot pulled by a horse of flames, and he followed The Phoenix out into the heavens. However, he looked over the people he saved from a distance, and when they realized that, they built a shrine dedicated to him - and since then Arth has been the patron of hermits, healers and a symbol of hope.

Arth and Yarma are often seen as related deities - and many people will say a single prayer to both deities at the same time.

Priests & Followers

Followers: Arth does not have many dedicated followers, but they, and his priests, are often sought out in times of need.

Priests : Many of Arth's priests are hermits, although a few live isolated lives as part of a community. A few, mostly PCs, take a more active role and seek out the down trodden or desolate, to offer their services.