Table of Contents

Food, Drink & Herbs


Meals: These vary according to price and type, with more expensive meals emphasizing variety and freshness. A good evening meal may consist of rice heaped high with fresh mutton, figs, dates, and olives pulled from the tree, finished with honey-candies. A more common evening meal (in a town or city) would be a simple ragout or meat stew, with bread, and fruit. A poor evening meal consists of just rice, perhaps with dates, dried fruit, a bit of tripe, or a strip of dried meat.

Jelly Delight is generally served as small squares of sweet jelly gusted in very fine sugar. It is commonly flavoured with lemon juice or rose water.

Fruit: Figs, Dates, Olives, Pomegranate, Oranges, Lemons and Almonds are the most common fruits.

Food & Drink

Coffee is readily available at most food outlets. Generally served strong and black, the grounds have been boiled in water to make a strong, fairly bitter brew. Sweet Coffee is also available, although that is more expensive, where the sugar has been cooked in with the coffee. Coffee is not, generally, sweetened after it has been cooked.

Koumiss: A drink of fermented mare’s milk, koumiss (KOO-miss) is very potent, and is more popular among the tribes of The bad Lands, than in the city.

Sherbet: A sweet fruit drink in Zakhara. It is often sold by vendors roaming the streets of major cities, carrying chilled tanks of sherbet on their back, along with cups to share.

Wine: Wine is produced in many coastal areas, but lower rainfall tends to produce dryer wines, that are matured in pine barrels. Think of poor quality retsina.

Wine, Heart of Wine: A potent brew. Heart of Wine is a wine that has been aged in the desert heat or in mountain snows until the water has evaporated or frozen, leaving a more powerful substance behind. Like all alcoholic or fermented beverages, Heart of Wine is forbidden in moralist areas.

Herbs & Spices

The most commonly used herbs and spices are:
NOTE: Please do not take these herbal properties as real life health benefits - without checking for yourselves.