The Urban Hinterland

This guidelines are designed to work with Paizo's 12-mile hex maps, which means that each Hex contains something like 225 square miles of territory - which is a decent chunk of land. For simplicity, it is assumed that smallholdings, farms, fisheries and any other suitable Rural Developments get built as a side effect of general Urban Development. The hinterland is actually a patchwork of Villages, hamlets and thorps, surrounded by fields, orchards and fishing boats, even though you don't gain the benefits that you would if they were built in Rural Countryside.

Most hinterland development is out of your control – however you some control of the area around your town or city. For each Defensive Point you have developed in your town, you may build one Hinterland development. There are the same as Rural Advanced development and may be retained if a village you have developed turns is upgraded to a town.

NOTE: Like all villages, these specialized settlements are restricted to three plots and size 6.

Hinterland Developments

Advanced developments are all about making more sophisticated use of the local resources and specialist knowledge, and are effectively small specialised villages. They can only be built in a hex that already has a a Primary Settlement - it doesn't have to be a fully settled town or village, but it must be capable of development . They start with a Villa - it provides a home for the Expert who runs the place and offers basic defence for the new expensive resources that you are bringing in. Once you have that you may develop up to three appropriate buildings. A mining village, for example, might want a smelter or a smithy (both craft workshops) - a Ranch might want an Animal Trainer (Craft workshop) while a Vineyard might want a Winery (Brewery).