
The Stormwhisperer is a three-masted caravel, 105 feet long and 30 feet wide (see the Skull & Shackles Player’s Guide). A minimum crew of 20 is required to sail her. Unless otherwise indicated, interior walls on the ship are of wood, 2 inches thick (hardness 5, hp 20, Break DC 20). Doors are of good wooden construction (hardness 5, hp 15, Break DC 18). Interior rooms are unlit during the day (except for those with windows or portholes), and usually have a single hooded lantern for light at night.

There are two catapults on the foredeck, and another two on the quarterdeck. Two row boats hang from davits either side of the deck, and a ship's boat, a cutter that can take 16 people, is stored over the cargo hatch. She has a 'Captain's Locker' in the hold and increased cargo space.

Stormwhisperer Detail

Storwhisperer is a Caravel - these stats are based on a standard Sailing ship modified for Stormwhisperer.