Edge of Anarchy
October 2023 game
We played through Edge of Anarchy – set in the Varisian City of Korvosa.
- Background – Characters all have something bad, that links them to Gaeden Lamb - and old scrooge like figure, who runs a gang of street kids.
- Zellara’s Home – You we ‘invited’ by magical means, to come for ‘tea’ at Zellara’s house - you soon discovered what you all had in common, and the location of Lamb’s hideout. Before long you discovered that Zellara was dead, and you had been talking to her spirit (who you later discover) lives within a pack of harrow cards.
- The Old Fishery – An unpleasant sweatshop, with loads of street kids making an evil smelling fish slurry, that is sold to the poorest in the city. Older kids work as pickpockets etc … You killed Gaeden and his cronies, and most of the kids escaped unscathed.
- The City Gone Mad – The king is dead, Long live the queen. Riots in the city - strange encounters with guards, monsters, mobs etc.
- Welcome to The Guard - You got recruited to work as ‘unofficial’ guards for the city. Paid as adventurers (ie loot and a reward) - but with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft (the commander of the guard) as your Patron..
- All the World’s Meat - You first job was in to ‘sort out’ a deserter, his band of thugs, and his dodgy butcher’s Shop.
- Eel’s End – You meet Cressida and Vencarlo Orsini – a charming local swords master, and are sent to recover some blackmail documents from a minor crime lord, who runs a dodgy ‘palace of sin’ with gambling, drugs, prostitution etc. The were psychedelic spiders involved …
- The Shingles Chase – You were sent to rescue Trinia Sabor - a young artist who had been names as the King’s Assassin – and who was at risk of mob justice. You finished up casing her across the roof tops.
- Dead Warrens – You were sent to collect the remains of a Shoanti (Varisian native people) Warrior, who had been killed and abducted by a necromancer. You got the body back, and averted a Shoanti uprising. But you didn’t get the necromancer - only his assistants.
- The Execution & Blackjack – The Queen announces the public execution of Trina Sabor, the king’s putative assassin. You go to watch - but the execution is interrupted by Blackjack – a local vigilante hero …
- And we left it there.
birthdaygame/2023-edge_of_anarchy.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 10:38 by johnb