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Homes for the Wealthy

This covers a huge spectrum - anything from an Officer in the military or a moderately successful business person - right up to nobles!

House - The bottom rung of the ladder. The owner has plenty of space for themselves and their family and, for the first time, can afford to keep a couple of servants to maintain the house for them. Rooms have a general description, it might be that one of the rooms is a study, a dining area or used for an Entourage Member. There are no hard and fast requirements for room designations, so long as there is no great deviation from the 3* living standard. It generally comes with a small yard and a private toilet. The caster's Tower House was originally designed for a sage with an interest in plants.

Mansions - A spacious house with a garden and a small 'mews' stable that can accommodate a horse or two and, perhaps, a small two wheeled carriage. Again, there are a number of different ways to configure a mansion, and there is a lot of flexibility, so long as you stay within the spirit of a 4* dwelling.

Noble Estate - Slightly larger than a mansion, with more facilities, rooms for plenty of servants, surrounded by formal gardens, and with a comprehensive set of out buildings, including a stable large enough for several horses and a coach house for a four wheeled carriage.

pathfinder/off-the-shelf/standard_buildings/wealthyhomes.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/02 14:24 by johnb