**Land Ownership** - Nobles can 'own' their lands in many ways, these are listed in [[Landownership|The land Ownership Directory]]. ==== Other Contracts ==== Other contracts are generally drawn up and lodged with The Cathedral of Abadar. There is a fee, of course. Each signatory gets a copy of the document and an extra copy is lodged in the cathedral's vault. **Wills** - Everyone, especially those who live a dangerous or adventurous life, should draw up a will. [[Wills|The Midmarch Standard Will]] has clauses that deal with being brought back to life and how to dispose of property and estates. If you die without a will, the magistrates, in conjunction with the priests of Abadar, will make an appropriate judgement. However, they will be required to take any known wishes, of the individual, into consideration. **Property Ownership** - There are number of different ways that property can be owned, and they can be found in the [[PropertyOwnership|Property Ownership Document]]. They apply **Incorporation** - This is just a type of contract that recognizes groups as a legal entity. It could be a Family (leMaistre), Company (Winter Sun merchants), Charity (Three Ladies Schools), Administration (Tusk Council) or a whole community (The Hamlet of Bunbury) **Marriage** - while many other faiths offer marriage ceremonies few offer marriage contracts in the same way as the Church of Abadar. While details of the contract are worked out in advance, it is traditional to sign the contract as part of the marriage ceremony. Some contracts are signed by the bride. Groom, their parents and representatives of the Families. **Adoption** - A contract that recognizes the adoption of an individual into a family. This is a device often used by noble families to reward service or special deeds. This contract binds the lord to reward and honour the new member of their family, while the adoptee promises to be a loyal member of the House and serve the lord loyally. Adoption must always be agreed by the head of the house, and signed by their representative.