====== Zoho Perse ====== Zoho is a 'trial' character for a Monastic Order that I am building for a new game world. The Amethyst Fist was something we used in Neverwinter Nights and worked really well when my wife and I played 'matched' characters. I want to see if he is as much fun in the pen & Pare version of the game. Background Zoho grew up in Finaroka, the son of a fisherman – who died when a storm wrecked his fishing boat and no one could get there in time (although a rescue attempt was mounted). Mother worked as a fishwife, cleaning fish and using the innards to make a particularly pungent fish sauce. That disn’t earn much, so Zoho started to find casual work at an early age, as an unpaid labourer he had to work hard for very little reward – and was always tire and bruised - with no time for anything else. Everything changed when thee docks were raided – by marauding Orc Pirates - while the attack was repulsed quite easily, a number of the dock side workers were killed – including Zoho’s mother. As the only orphan (created by that raid) a place was found for him – and he was sent to the Monastery of The Amethyst Fist – he still had to work as a labourer, but he was fed as well as any of the monks, had access to their library and was encouraged to take part in their physical training regime. When he was old enough, he joined the monetary as a full time monk – after all, that was now his home. It was the library that helped him awaken his Sorcerous abilities – instructed to read up on history, he also found himself delving into the tomes on Magic, and much less tired than he had been before - bits of it started to make sense. Soon he discovered that he could cast a few cantrips, and then a few more advanced spells. The monks were impressed, very few of them managed to awaken that potenitial in themselves, and he was given more time for his studies. However, it came time to leave the monastery, all monks are expected to travel and gain experience of new setting and to develop their own skills. The philosophy of the Order is that every monk should strive for self-sufficiency in every setting - with the eventual goal, being the ability of manage your own ‘journey’ after death, and perhaps even attain immortality. He almost failed on one of his early trips, beset by goblins, out of spells, tired and bleeding – he ran. Better to run away today, and be ready to fight again another day. Stumbling into a cave, to escape the pursuit, he somehow finished up here …