====== Drai Shon Theories ====== * Some sages have tied the archipelago to the stories of a great power throwing a ‘Bolt of Rock’ into the sea. The basic story is widespread, although the reasons vary between churches of different faiths, as does the deity, or demon, who is supposed to have thrown the bolt. However, the basic story is widely known, even among faiths of different continents … It might be based on some truth. * Other sages have linked the islands to the legendary land of Atlantis. Atlantis was said to have been a great sea power, however it sank below the waves - again the cause is never consistent, and these are said to be the few mountain peaks that remain above water. However, Atlantis was reputed to be the wealthiest nation in the whole world, with streets that were paved with gold. While that is unlikely, the residents would have been incredibly wealthy … * Still others associate it with the legendary Fomor, part of an ancient legend concerning the first people of Hann, an underwater land set far in the west, and where the dead went. Some sages claim that this was one of the original sources of undeath … * A few sages link the theories together, and these islands are the remains of an ancient civilization, associated with undead and incredibly wealthy … Was this the seat of the Wangate Empire? Whatever the truth - it has attracted interest from three separate and powerful nations ...