====== Croston ====== Croston is, still, a frontier town, it is built inside a strong stockade and with regular wall patrols. Lord Croston, and his entourage, live inside a central compound that serves as a second line of defence. While the town is quite small, its population is boosted by small holdings and hamlets scattered around the hinterland, which supply some food and basic services to the community. For example, Barham is home to a sorcerer who can make magical equipment, while Flower Quay acts as the town's port - both hamlets are defended, although not as heavily defended as the town itself. Residents of the smallholdings have to make a dash for the security of the main town's stockade should there be an attack on the area. Foragers in the marsh collect Samphire, Romeritos and Purslane (for their leaves that can be cooked), easy game such as Duck, Mussels, Crab and Eel and Reeds for thatching. Small holders grow a variety of fruits and vegetables and produce eggs and some goat's milk, while fisherfolk from Flower Quay bring in edible seaweeds and a variety of fish. Grain, Flour and most alcoholic drinks are imported, along with meat, metal, cloth, rope etc. Fish stew is the most common main-course meal in the region. - **Market Gate** – This is the main gate for the town, and the fenced area is regularly filled with small traders from the outlying hamlets and smallholdings. The two buildings house tax and licensing officials - one group reports to Governor Briganda-Shay, while the others report to Lord Croston. - **Main Street** - This short road holds the main trade buildings for the town - there is the Dragon’s Nest Inn, various craft workshops, a baker and a general store. In all cases, the staff live on the premises. - **Well Square** – This large square is surrounded by lodging houses. You can rent rooms, or a bunk in a room, on a long-term basis. Many of the rooms are taken by newcomers who haven’t yet found a permanent home for themselves. - **The Yard** - This unusual place was originally built as a jousting yard, but as that practice has fallen out of fashion, it has found a new use as a general drill ground and practice yard, although it is also used for town meetings, plays and displays. - **The Governor's Guard** – These two small buildings hold a detachment of The Governor’s Guard in their distinctive black armour. There are ten guards housed in the larger building, while their officer and sergeant are billeted in the smaller building. - **Erastil’s Chapel** – The only religious building inside the town walls. Old Dead Eye, the patron of farmers, hunters and small traders, has had a presence here since the very beginning. The priest maintains the small fruit garden by the chapel, and say that it helps to keep him in touch with reality. - Empty - **FFTC House** – the only authorized international merchant in town. They have a ship that regularly makes the trip, back and forth, from Flower Quay to Finaroka. - **Lord Croston’s Compound**. Home to Lord Croston and his troops – a combination of guards and elite scouts and