====== The Far Coast States ====== The Far Coast States are one the most cosmopolitan areas in Hann. Originally settled by refugees from Greater Hann, it was invaded (and conquered) by troops from Sakar, although they were driven out before they could become firmly entrenched. Then the new faiths and philosophy started to spread down this way. Now it is a cosmopolitan region, that melds Hann, Telidan, Sakaran and Green ideologies, to give this group of nations a culture all of its own. * **Sybarite** - Ruled by Richard, Imperial Duke of Sybarite, this agricultural state is landlocked. Its central pains area supports agriculture, while the hillier periphery is good for sheep farming, and it exports grain, ale and wool to the rest of the world through Bime and Jekleal. However, it has a mountain province, Lower Smokey, as well - which is the ancestral home to the Pagini family. * **Bime** - Under Imperial Prince Batraz Hardin, Bime has grown into a thriving city state, with a commercial port that is used frequently by the coastal trade. The Bime Magic Academy is recognized as a regional leader in the use of Illusion magic, but teaches a full 'universalist' curriculum. * **Jekleal** - originally the main town during the Sakaran occupation, Jekleal has prospered under the leadership of their Sovereign Lady, Samia. Its capital is a large port town that is home to a Bardic College. The Jekleal College of the Performing Arts specializes in music and song - but does offer a full bardic curriculum. * **Rockhome** - A Dwarf mine-hold, on the pass between Lower Smokey (in Sybarite) and Jekleal, mines a number of different metal ores, and produced ingots for export. The mine isn't overly productive, and little of their metal travels beyond the local states. However, they also produce good quality gemstones (Hematite, Azurite and Malachite), which the Sovereign Lord has recently started exporting. The Dwarves at Rockhome are followers of Moradin. **You find the following deities somewhere in this region:** * **Hann** - Pelor (NG), Kord (CG), Ehlonna (NG), * **Sakar** - Sarenrae (NG) Bala (Music), Sivanah (N) * **Telidan** - Abadar (LN),Cayden (CG), Pharasma (N) * **Other** - Moradin, Green Faith (Old Gods)