====== Gasgano ====== Gasgano is not a deity, and does not grant spells, however he is immortal, after a fashion. He advocates self-reliance, knowing one's self, and gathering knowledge on everything you can. It is said that his immortality comes from a detailed knowledge of death, the dead and the planes associated with the dead, and to give him the ability to reincarnate every time that he dies, but unlike most other reincarnations he always comes back, almost immediately, as exactly the same person that he was before. In his first life, he was a sage, although a sage that went and collected information for himself. Stories about him include joining a party of adventurers to reclaim a land overrun by humanoids, and getting caught in a planar gate which whisked him away to another world. Once there, he fought against an evil god, and found a copy of //The Book of the Dead// which he studied and used to help his friends travel quickly, using the [[consolidated:religion:the_shadow_plane#the_paths_of_the_dead|Paths of the Dead]]. Eventually, he worked out how to use the paths to travel between planes, and eventually to travel between worlds. He is said to be knowledgeable about the natural world, particularly mushrooms and farming, a skilled healer, herbalist, alchemist, cook, librarian and scribe. Early stories describe him fighting with a small axe, although stories of his later life speak of physical learning and defending himself with his bare hands. It is said that he can summon and command undead and shadow creatures, from the Paths of the Dead, a place he knows well. [[Gasgano-Story|Gasgano's story]] - as told by Flower Nightsky ===== Priesthood ===== {{ :deities:amethystfist.png?100|}}Unusually for an immortal who can't grant spells to his followers, Gasgano has a priesthood. A small order of monks, The Amethyst Fist, have picked up on his philosophies of self-reliance through knowledge of self and the environment, and pursue it as part of their journey through life. To achieve this aim, the priests train both minds and body, concentrating on skills and abilities that do not need weapons, or other equipment, to be effective. Most train as monks, although they try to develop a broad range of knowledge, to help them understand their environment. The very best of them develop as Sorcerers or Bards, and have a wider range of mental and social skills available to them. They happily preach their philosophy to anyone who will listen - although they charge a small price for their services - after all, Monks need to eat too. Most do not make vows of poverty, or Celibacy - or any other vow as that will complicate their learning, however they are moderate in their needs - after all a self-sufficient person shouldn't need great wealth. Their philosophy requires them to experience many different environments and deal with challenges, to help them develop practical experience - so all priests adventure at some point in their lives. However, temple life and dealing with people is just another experience to master, and all priest spend time working at their local temple as well. ===== Temples ===== Rather than monasteries, their 'temples' consist of public libraries that have physical training facilities attached. In game terms, a full-blown monastery combines a library and a military school that specializes in unarmed combat, although many weapons skills are taught as well. For most people this means boxing and wrestling skills backed up with simple weapons and light armour skills, backed up by access to the library (excellent for experts, and commoners who wish to progress) - although a few, dedicated, students undertake full training as monks. There are, of course, fees for these services, although the Priest make sure that they are affordable. Teaching a poor student skills and abilities that they can use, is often more of a challenge than teaching a wealthy student who has access to equipment of their own. Students, who cannot afford expensive equipment, have to learn to rely on themselves and whatever they can make. ++Possible skills| (Improved Unarmed Strike is a favourite, backed up by Combat Manoeuvrer Feats. All Monk / simple crossover weapons are taught, with an emphasis on Club, Staff, Sling, spear, short-spear and Dagger. Other weapons are covered, although less frequently.)++ ===== Holy Texts ===== The main holy text is the [[library:philosophica_gasgana|Philosophica Gasgana]] - a document that describes the way that sentient souls develop through life and the travel to their ultimate destination, and implies that immortality is within the grasp of some people - if they live their lives the right way. And the monks feel that they have unravelled the secret ....