
Paria Overview

A is small town, in the Drai Shon archipelago that is home to escaped slaves, many different humanoids and outcasts from the main societies. It gets its name from the earliest settlers - escaped slaves and outcasts, living in the safety-shadow of the Dwarf mine - and it became known as The Pariahs, which eventually changed into Paria - and it isn't much different today. Hobgoblins rub shoulders with Orcs, Ratfolk and Humans - among others. Just about every resident has an outcast heritage - or has been cast out of somewhere. The town has a reputation as a base for freebooters, smugglers, thieves and pirates - and its residents are not really welcome in any of the other settlements in the archepelago - BUT they need Paria. It is a source of metals and unusual items, it is one of the few places that allow the exchange of goods and ideas between the various cultures fighting for their place in the archipelago It is expensive, it is a den of inequity - but it is tolerated.

The town is, technically, TN - but this comes about from a clash of LN and CN groups in the town - it (perhaps) has the worst of both worlds. The Hobgoblins appointed themselves as Town Guards, and enforce basic Hobgoblin military camp law and punishments. Consequently, laws are few and far between - but when they are broken, the punishments are severe. Don't expect traders to play fair - there is no law against cheating your customer. Don't expect the guard to find the burglars or robbers, they expect you to be able to look after yourself and your possessions - however, they will look into it - for a fee. There are only a few regularly enforced laws:

No fighting with weapons, and no serious woundings or incapacitation. No smashing the place up, Don't dodge licence fees (business fees, harbour fees, market fees - these are the Hobgoblins main income)

Most times you can buy yourself out of a problem by paying an on the spot fine. There is no Standard Fine, but the Hobgoblin in charge of the 'Arrest Squad' sets it at a level he (or she) thinks the offender can afford - modified by whether thay like you, dislike you, or even the mood they are in. If you don't pay the fine, you are taken into custody - and they will strip gear from you, until the fine is met - then you are released. If you still can't pay the fine - you are sold into slavery.

Slavery is not illegal - but it is rare. The Hobgoblins are the only one with the right to enslave someone, and then only to pay any fines. Slaves can be brought into Paria from outside, and sold here in the market - although that are almost always shipped out again in a few days. Slavery is actually quite rare in Paria - perhaps because half the population are descended from escaped slaves, and there is plenty of cheap labour in the shape of Grunts and Muls.

Treat the town as CN - with Lawful tendencies :P

races - the main races of Paria

Basic Demographics