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East Telida


There are three main 'states' along the east coast of the Telida peninsula, and they share a common core philosophy - although it manifests in different ways. It is believed that all three states were creted by migration from the Telidan Mountain Spine - but the truth of that is lost in the mists of time. While there are differences in approach all three, follow a philosophical core based on the The Cult of The Old Lords, tempered by Pharasma’s fatalistic Circle of Life and the competitiveness of Kurgess.


Holden lies to the east of the peninsula and can be reached from Berhof via the Adlerweg Pass. It is lacks the agricultural heartland of The Tannery States and consists of a number of small strongholds set along the side of a long, saltwater inlet called the Howden Sound. Their leader is called The Kapo - and is elected for life from one of the minor members of the various noble families. The Kapo controls the main sea trading town and manages it on behalf of the Cheiftains, the Kapo is also responsible for the small standing army of Holden and uses it to quickly reinforce strongholds as they need it. However, each stronghold is expected to have their own forces for frontline defence. The Kapo can call a levy onto all of the strongholds, if it is required to secure a state - or to take back its territory. The stronghold all have fishing boats and other vessels that the use for trade to communicate with each other.

Holden is very rustic and there are no great culture centres, it is just a group of small strongholds, with tribal mentality, clinging together for survival. However, it is racially diverse - primarily human / halfling it includes a Dwarven stronghold and stronghold run by a halforc warlord.

While The Old Lords, Pharasma and Kurgess are the most respected gods, Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Gozreh and the Dwarven pantheon also have followers. While all classes can be found here, Rangers and Barbarians feature heavily and there is a higher proportion of Druids, Witches and Oracles than you might expect. Bronze is more common than iron, so light and leather based armours are prevalent, with bronze studded leather and wooden shields in common use. Likewise, most single use weapons, arrows, bolts, darts, javelins use bronze, while 'occasional' combatants are liable to have bronze weapons. However, regular combatants and nobles all have (at least one) iron/steel melee weapon.

Think Celts meet Vikings. A short description of the main holdings are shown below …

However, there are smaller holdings, with populations ranging from a dozen people to 2-300 people. Most make their livings through some combination of hunting, trapping, farming, and fishing. There will always be some sort of local fortification, and the residents are both hardy and prepared to defend their land.


This needs reworking -

Make this a lightly forested, hilly region, with scarps and rocky outcrops. Not good for horses. Use semi-barbarian tribe, mainly based in the forested areas - hunting in the forests, using forest farm techniques as 'agriculture light'. They have static camps, and home territories - and skirmish along their borders.

Need to find something (other than pigs) that are natural woodland creatures - perhaps minimal deer, or something similar, for herds that are moved around through the forested home region for grazing.

Find a couple of jungle tribes to base their culture on.


This needs reworking

I think I want to change this to horse barbarians. Tribes of nomadic barbarians, each with a 'home range', Hunter gatherers supplementing their diets with horse meat, mare's milk cheese and blood 'sausage'. They trade with tribes of Wen (Neanderthal humans) in the surrounding hills. There needs to be an externally run trade-post somewhere on the coast, and another up at the pass that leads to Melmond (for steel weapons). They women forage while the men hunt from horseback. Perhaps some sort of cross between (the old media perception of) Native American Indians and steppes barbarians. Maybe put Hawking / hunting with birds in as a common activity.

Keep it as a plains/steppe area, lots of flat space - with room for horses to run … The Iragols (Iraqoi / mongol mashup)