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Commoner Occupation Traits

After gaining some experience in a specific role, a commoner might gain a trait to represent that life experience and basic training. Not every commoner gains an occupational Trait, a few might gain a second trait, however, they can never gain more than two traits in this way. These house ruled traits are specific to Commoners, and are designed to help make Commoner NPCs a bit more rounded. They are not available to characters of other classes.

House Ruled Military Traits

Military traits mean commoners can take a very minor military role. Auxiliaries work in military bases or vessels - they are trained to support the defence of their site/vessel. Militia are trained to help defend their town or village and take an active role in chasing away small predatory animals and scavengers. The Watch might serve the town or a private employer, and their job is to raise the alarm (perhaps with an alarm whistle) rather than to deal with an intruder personally.

Trait Weapon Military BonusSkill BonusNote
Auxiliary 1 Long SpearProficient with JavelinProf(Soldier) +1Military Assistant / Missile Support
Auxiliary 2 Boarding PikeProficient with Buckler (only) Prof(Soldier) +1Naval Support
MilitiaLong SpearProficient with Darts Prof(Soldier) +1Local Posse
The WatchTruncheon (Club)Proficient with Sling Perception +1Truncheon for self-defence, sling for Missile Support

House Ruled Non-Military Traits

These Occupational Traits normally come from experience - two or three years doing the same job regularly, can give a commoner a basic skill in just about any field. These are just a few of the most obvious one.

Trait Weapon BonusSkill BonusNote
Hunter DaggerProficient with Light Crossbow Survival +1 Small game hunting
TrapperClubSurvival is a class skill Survival +1Small game trapping
ShepherdClubProficient with Sling Perception +1sling scares predators
Poacher ClubProficient with Sling Survival +1 Illicit small game hunting
Thug ClubProficient with Dagger Intimidate +1 -
Street Guide - Know(Local) is a class skill Know(Local) +1 -
Craft Assistant Note 1 Craft(X) is a class skill Craft(X) +1 -
Housekeeper - - Craft(Cook)+1
Servant or home-maker

Note 1: Weapon skill appropriate to their craft.

Paizo Traits

These are conventional traits available to anyone, that can (in the right circumstances) be seen as appropriate 'occupational' traits for commoners. There are probably others, but I haven't spotted them yet.

Trait Advantage
River Rat+1 Dagger Damage and Swim+1
BullyIntimidate is a class skill and Intimidate+1
Convincing LiarBluff is a class skill and Bluff+1
Criminal 1 Disable Device is a class skill and Disable Device +1
Criminal 2 Sleight of Hand is a class skill and +1 on Sleight of Hand
Life of ToilYou gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Poverty StrickenSurvival is a class skill and Survival +1
SuspiciousSense Motive is a class skill and Sense Motive +1
MinerAppraise is a class skill and Appraise +1
River FolkProfession (sailor) +2 and +2 on any skill checks involving ropes
SmugglerBluff +1 and Sleight of Hand +1