JohnB's Games

Role-Playing, my way.

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D20 games are, generally, best suited for adventurers, however PF has some simple rules for building and running businesses - although they are pretty basic, formalistic and need lots of dice rolls with few options for Role Play. The Al Quadim setting has some rules for Merchant Rogues, but even those are more of a side-hustle than anything else, and are principally designed as a background activity. I hope to build on those as I develop a system for Merchant Venturers, exploring new lands for trade opportunities, building relationships as they travel and finally bringing back new trade items that can help make them a massive profit. Of course, there will be dangers and adventures on the journey …

Haggling is a skill born in the Al Qadim setting, but it is a key skill in business and trade. It allows PCs, traders and merchants to barter over the cost of some items. Many NPC stores will just charge book price, although markets, crafters and traders are often prepared to barter.


consolidated/economy/trade.1708443763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/20 16:42 by johnb