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The Church of the Old Lords


Rural, community, based faith. (TN) Domains = Animal, Artifice, Community, Plant, Protection, Travel

The Church of The Old Lords is a relic of an earlier, simpler, time and the faith that went with it. The Church of The Old Lords promotes a simple rural philosophy that promotes concepts of community and respect based around village life.

Tenets of the Faith

  • Respect the natural world. Hunters, trappers, gatherers, miners, woodcutters etc – are expected to take their share considerately. Don’t take the doe when she has a fawn. Take a handful of berries and move on. If you take a tree, plant three more …
  • Respect yourself and each other. Be seen as a good member of the community. Offer help when someone is struggling. Don’t kick them when they are down. Ask a fair price.
  • Respect property. Theft, graffiti and general vandalism is disapproved of. But so is mistreating your farm or herd animals, or neglecting your fields.
  • Respect your community. Your family should be highest in your heart, but others are part of your community as well. Be prepared to fight for, and defend, your community if you need to.


There is no formal hierarchy to the church – it is a community religion. Each village will have its own Wise-Woman or Elder-Man who are guardians of the lore, tends the local shrine, knows the festivals and prayers, and is favoured by the gods. But communities are more than villages, and there are shrines high up in the mountains and deep in the forests where shepherds and woodsmen tend to meet – and even shines at the side of the road. Shrines are often just a rock or small monument with the Five-Fold Cross on it, and aren’t really places for religious gatherings, they are there as a reminder. Most people glance at them and smile a silent prayer to their gods, other times might touch the shrines lightly. Sometimes a minor offering might be placed by the shrine, often a small piece of food from a recent meal, or a small amount of a drink spilled on the ground.


Most clergy, known as Wise-Women or Elder-Men, are low level adepts, live as an integral part of their community. Some are farmers, some are hunters, and others are mothers, warriors or shepherds. It doesn’t matter quite what they do - they are part of the community. Occasionally a more outwardly focussed cleric will come along - either with a desire to see the wider world, or to take the faith back to the rest of the people. The Wise-Women and Elder-Men nod their heads wisely as they help the young ones prepare to leave. But are just as ready to help welcome them back home again, once they have discovered the error of their ways. Some never come back, of course. But that might be because they have found another community to serve …

PC Clerics

All PC priests of The Old Lords are nature loving Clerics (No Druids, Inquisitors, Oracles or other priestly class). The clerics represent the whole pantheon at once, even though the separate deities are described individually, they do not have clergy of their own.


The primary holidays are the Solstices and Equinoxes, which mark the turning of the seasons. These help you know when to plant, when to harvest, when to bring the sheep back home, when not to take game, when to start preserving food for the winter – etc etc. These holidays and festivals that are so important to the followers of The Old Lords, are still celebrated among Hann people everywhere, as traditions and as part of the folk-lore and tradition of the Hann People.

The Old Lords

Lord Crow

The Protector. Patron of Chieftains and warriors. (NG) (M) Origins: Back in the days before the Gods War, Lord Crow was known as Hug and served as messenger to a god. When his god was slain in the Gods War, Lord Crow was showered in Shards of Immortality - and the familiar became a minor deity in his own right. Appearance: Lord Crow normally appears as a dark-skinned man with a hooked nose, dressed in black & silver studded leather armour and a black cloak. In battle he wields a great spear called Gung-Bol. Teachings: To be noble is to be strong of mind, to provide leadership to others and to protect your people from harm. Lord Crow encourages tribal leaders and chieftains to maintain a warrior band, tasked with protecting the land and the people. General: Lord Crow is said to have three wives, the land-spirits Mawida, Rusina and Maria.


Maid of the Woods. Patron of Hunters, Trappers and Woodsmen. (TN) (F) Origins: Mawida grew as the forests grew, they have always been her home and she knows no other. Appearance: A young woman with long hair worn loose, dressed demurely in a dark green dress. Teachings: Respect the forest, take what you need and leave the rest. General: Mawida is one of Lord Crow’s wives and many modern theologians think that she is one aspect of a triple goddess that they call Maruma, however those of the Green Faith believe that she is a Nature Spirit.


Mistress of the Fields, Patron of Farmers. (TN) (F) Origins: Rusina has been here as long as she can remember, the fields and plains have always been her home and she knows no other. Appearance: A chubby woman with her hair tied up in braids, dressed in a brown dress. Teachings: Respect the land, follow the seasons, look after your crops and animals and they will look after you. General: Rusina is one of Lord Crow’s wives and many modern theologians think that she is one aspect of a triple goddess that they call Maruma, however those of the Green Faith believe that she is a Nature Spirit.


The Mountain Hag, patron of herders. (TN) (F) Origins: Maria has been here as long as she can remember, the mountains have always been her home and she knows no other. Appearance: An old woman with her hair tied up in a bun, dressed in a grey dress and cloak. Teachings: Respect the land, follow the seasons, look after your animals and they will look after you. General: Maria is one of Lord Crow’s wives and many modern theologians think that she is one aspect of a triple goddess that they call Maruma, however those of the Green Faith believe that she is a Nature Spirit.


Patron of Crafters and Merchants. (LN) (M) Origins: Conn was unknown before the God's War, but is said to have led a group of servants to safety in a mage's personal demi-plane. His people were a rag-tag bunch when they returned to the prime material. Appearance: A Halfling Craftsman, wearing a leather apron and carrying a small silver worker's hammer. Teachings: Work hard, perfect your skills, charge a fair price for your labour.

consolidated/religion/homebrewpantheons/oldlordschurch.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 22:47 by johnb