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Sakaran Weapons & Armour


Curved blades and light armour are prevalent in Sakhar. Heavy Armour imposes penalties in the heat of the sun.


Sword, scimitar: This is the 'default' blade, used by most soldiers, guards and travelling merchants.
Cost: 15 Dinar (Martial).

Sword, cutlass: This sword has a long, slightly curved blade and a basket-handle. It is the weapon of choice for the corsair and the occasional swashbuckling merchant-rogue. In addition to the damage listed, the cutlass can also give the wielder a +1 benefit while parrying (if that optional rule is used), and can increase punching damage to 1d3.
Cost: 15 Dinar (Martial).

Sword, great scimitar: This weapon has a huge, curved blade. It is most commonly wielded by the local ruler’s executioner, which is why it is also dubbed the “headsman’s sword.” Deadly but cumbersome, a headsman’s sword is the best weapon to use against an opponent who is going nowhere.
Cost: 90 Dinar (Exotic).

Dagger, jambiya: This curved, double-edged dagger is the common tool used by peoples of the desert. In addition to a fighting weapon, it serves as an all-purpose cutting blade and an eating utensil that’s both knife and fork. Unlike the standard western dagger, the jambiya (JAHM-bee-yah) is a poor throwing weapon; its maximum range is 1.
Cost: 6 Dinar (Martial).

Dagger, katar: Also called the punch dagger, the katar is a short, easily-concealed weapon. It differs from other daggers in that its handle is perpendicular to the blade, not in line, allowing more force to be applied. The katar cannot serve as a thrown weapon.
Cost: 4 Dinar (Martial).

Razor: A barber’s tool, the razor is not usually intended as a weapon for combat. However, since barbers often find their lives taking an odd turn, they may be required to defend themselves with this “tool of the trade.” This is not the War Razor of western culture, but the normal razor used for shaving clients. It does d2 damage.
Cost: 5 Dirham (Martial or Prof:Barber).

Tiger’s claws: Also called bagh nakh, this rare weapon is like a light-weight set of brass knuckles with spikes. A series of rings with spikes fit over the bearer’s fingers (thumb excluded). When the wearer makes a fist, a spike sticks outward from each knuckle. The weapon is easily concealed. It is used primarily by slayers, who tip the spikes with poison. (d2 damage)
Cost: 1 Dinar (Simple).

Tufenk: Little more than a long blowpipe, the tufenk is used to project Greek fire across a short distance. (To Zakharans, Greek fire is “oil of liquid stars” or simply “liquid star.”) The weapon’s maximum range is 10 feet. The tufenk requires two hands to use, and is usually rested upon a steady surface as well. It takes one round to light a vial of Greek fire; in round two the fire is projected toward a single target. It inflicts 2d6 points of damage in round two, and 1d6 in rounds three and four. The tufenk’s rate of fire is one attack every three rounds. It is an unwieldy weapon, as well as being potentially dangerous to the individual carrying the oil. When it’s used as a melee weapon, the tufenk’s game statistics match those of a quarterstaff.
Cost: 21 Dinar (Exotic).


Leather, studded leather and light mail are common - heavier armours can impose penalties in the heat of the sun.

Lamellar: Lamellar is a type of scale mail made of overlapping metal plates (lamellas), connected by metal links. Lighter and less costly than standard scale, lamellar is the most popular of the heavier armors available in Zakhara. It is worn in relatively cool areas.
Cost: There are many types of Lamella armour. 90% of standard price. It retains the same properties.

Shield, daraq: Similar to the western buckler, this small shield is carried primarily by horsemen. Although most daraqs are made of laminated hide and tortoise shell, metal versions can also be found in urban areas.
Cost: 2 Dinar .

consolidated/sakar/weapons_and_armour.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 15:20 by johnb