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The Philosophica

Selected quotes from The Philosophica, the guiding principles of the Order of the Amethyst Fist.

  • Do not fear to walk in the land of your enemies, for there is wisdom to be found there. Tread lightly as you learn their ways, but strike hard when the time is right. Pass like a feather in the wind, and none shall know of your presence. Treat those you fell with respect, but fill your purse with their coin. They have no further use for it. Move on swiftly, for others will come in their stead.
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  • When one aids you, recognize it. Praise swiftly and reward handsomely, for your honour is reflected in those deeds. If you have no coin, share wisdom and comfort, healing and sustenance. Do as you would be done by.
legendarium/philosophica.1681754835.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/17 20:07 by johnb