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A reinforced, highly defensible structures built into the natural terrain known as Redoubts are often constructed to take advantage of locations such as cave entrances, mountain passes, or river fords. Communities may build Redoubts as defensive positions in times of war when their farms and towns can’t be defended effectively. Lords trying to tame and control newly claimed lands often make the construction of a Redoubt their first order of business as a temporary measure until a keep or larger fortification can be built.

The example shown, to the right, is built around a large animal lair, which would have needed clearing first :} The large tree has a Guard Point set in the branches and extra boulders have been brought in to make a rough defensive wall, then a druid was called in to speed-grow bushes and briars around it. Most of the other 'rooms' are given space in the main cave, which has water and a narrow (and defensible) entrance.

It isn't obvious to raiders, both the inner and outer entrances are concealed and difficult to get into. It provides a good, initial, base in the wilderness and can serve as an outpost for scouts later in the game.

Note: This is just an example, to give you an idea of what you will get. Any redoubt you build is likely to have a different layout, as it will need to conform to the landscape in the area.

Room List:

pathfinder/campaignsystemii/borders_wildernes/frontier_buildings/redoubt.1716386894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/22 16:08 by johnb