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Customized and example buildings

Example Buildings

These are not the only way that these buildings can be constructed, however, they are an indication of what you would get with the standard build.

Noble Villa Costs 8920gp - A fairly standard build, however, the labyrinth and the garden have been merged to give a long winding walkway through the Villa's grounds. It comes with five servants, and there is enough accommodation (in the lodging) to accommodate five house guards - although you will have to pay for those. The normal building will be constructed of light materials, in Netherworld, you get a free upgrade to masonry construction.

Customized Houses

Simple Cottage - costs 710gp. A basic starter home that consists of Lodgings, Kitchen and Lavatory. You won't live in great comfort, but you will have all the basic facilities that you need. Its main advantage is that you can upgrade it to any of the buildings in this list - and claim a 710gp discount on the listed price.

Country Cottage - Costs 1370. Based on the House however, the sewer access has been swapped out for a garden. Makes a decent small home for one or two people.

Crafter's Cottage - Costs 1540gp - Based on the Exotic Artisan - but without a storefront. It makes a good home for any crafting or professional character, who wants to practice their craft, without selling to the public. The normal building will be constructed of light materials, in Netherworld, you get a free upgrade to masonry construction. It counts as masterwork artisan’s tools for one Craft or Profession skill.

Caster's Cottage - Costs 1560gp - Based on the Exotic Artisan - but without a storefront, and the workstation swapped for a Scriptorum. It makes a good home for anyone creating scroll and potions. The normal building will be constructed of light materials, in Netherworld, you get a free upgrade to masonry construction. It counts as masterwork artisan’s tools for any writing skill.

Priest's Cottage - Costs 1450gp - Based on the Exotic Artisan - but without a storefront, and the workstation swapped for an altar. It makes a good home for anyone who wants worship their deity privately. The normal building will be constructed of light materials, in Netherworld, you get a free upgrade to masonry construction. The Altar counts as a permanent fixture dedicated to your deity for the purpose of consecrate and similar spells.

Military Buildings

Monk School Costs 2450gp. This was designed as a home for low-level Monk character who lives in a small cell-like room. It is based on the standard School build . The monk lives in a small room, and there is space for up to eight 'followers'. For an extra 306gp, you can recruit eight Expert-2 trainees equipped with Leather Armour, Spear and Dagger. The grounds are surrounded by a low wall, but you can upgrade this by adding 2x Defensive Walls for 520gp.

Military School Costs 2650gp. - It is based on the standard School build . Using the same basic area plan as the Monk School, this would make a home for a PC who wanted to run a small military school with up to ten trainees. Including their weapons, it would cost 200gp to recruit ten Warrior-1 guards. Soldiers, or higher level troops, cost more. The grounds are surrounded by a low wall, but you can upgrade this by adding 2x Defensive Walls for 520gp. You can also upgrade to a Military Academy for 3450gp.

Mercenary Barracks Costs 2910gp. Based on the standard Barracks, this has been cut down so that it holds ten troops instead of twenty. It does not come with any troops, but you can recruit those separately - the cost of recruit varies, according to the troops, but they come fully equipped because of the armory. It is a suitable home for a melee based PC, and can be upgraded to a standard barracks for 790gp.

pathfinder/campaignsystemii/customizedbuildings.1717441700.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/03 21:08 by johnb