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The Inns, Restaurants and Amusements of Restov

While there are other bars, small eateries, cheap inns flop-houses and entertainment pits in the city, especially in the southern wards. However, those detailed here are the best known.

Two Inn The Hand (Hotel)

a 'cleverly named' establishment that is more of a hotel than an Inn. The ground floor has a restaurant that sells average / Good food - which can be accompanied by good wines. There is a quiet bar for sharing an aperitif before your meal and a quiet drink afterwards. Upstairs, spreading over three more floors there a mix of accommodation – singles, twins, doubles and suites. Right on the very top floor there are bunks for servants.

You should expect to pay 3-5 gp per person (1gp for servants) per night half board (breakfast and evening meal) (Servants are served average meals for free). A small private dining/meeting room on the ground floor costs another 2gp/day.

The Silver Dagger (Inn)

Three stories tall, The Silver Dagger is an average to good inn that attracts the middle classes. It has a bar and restaurant on the ground floor with two floors of guest rooms above. the rooms on the middle floor are well furnished, while those on the top floor have simpler furnishings. There is a sauna on the ground floor that is available for use by all guests.

The dining room sells average meals, along with a range of mid priced drinks. The rooms are large enough to count (just) as bed sitting rooms - and cost 8sp for a single, 15 for a double. In either case an extra palliasse can be put on the floor for a servant. Small ground floor meeting/dining rooms are 7sp per day.

Oppin's Common House

A halfling-run establishment that will serve tallfolk, but whose dining rooms and for-rent living spaces are more comfortable if you don't go over 4' in height.

This is primarily a residential hotel – there is a lounge and dining room on the ground floor, while the upper floors are taken up with halfling/gnome sized bed-sitting rooms (That can serve as a bedroom for a human - although you will be sleeping on a mattress on the floor with the normal furniture pushed to one side.) In the dining room average food comes in large portions, along with ale or wine.

1 gold per person per night, full board.

The Mountain's Toast (Inn)

Another inn, serving Lowtown dwarves, Trading House merchants, and new arrivals straight in from the Fire Gate.

A very ‘normal’ town inn, busy at lunchtime, quieter in the evening with travelers, merchants and a few locals as customers. Quite often there is a group (or two) playing cards for coppers. A good range of ales and wines. Poor or Average food.

Accommodation is in very small rooms with just enough room for the number of occupants – charged by the room (7’6×5, 2 beds, 1gp) or (7’6×7’6, 4 beds, 2gp). Food is extra.

The Smokehouse (Road House)

An inn for those who work hard for what they have. Primary clientele are dwarves (from Lowtown, #18) and the Corn Exchange (#22). It is busy all day and into the evening.

There is a busy bar selling a variety of cheap ales, wine and ciders. Wait staff serve the many tables scattered around the common room. You can get average or poor meals here.

Half-a-dozen small rooms each house 4 people bunk beds - many of which are let to ‘Residents’ at a reduced rate. It normally costs 4 sp to stay here overnight – 5-6sp if you include meals.

The Iron Gauntlet Inn.

Not exactly an inn of ill repute (most of those are in Riverside across the Water Gate), it sees its share of 'lowlife' dockhands, roustabouts, and the like. The prime 'blending place' between social classes in the city, where the young rich go to do a little 'safe slumming' and where the rough folks from Riverside come across to have an 'upscale' night out when they have a few silver.

There is a good selection of drinks as well as overpriced food available. If you have the money there is always a few very accommodating (and good looking) good looking young men and women eager for some company, and a surprising large number of small double rooms are available for rent at very short notice. Rooms cost 1gp per night and do not include any food.

The Happy Drover (Road House)

Just outside the city's West Gate (A on the map). The Happy Drover is a run down Inn just outside the city walls, close to the animal pens that are used when stock is brought to town for the meat market. It is also known as a meeting place for some independent trade caravans and their mercenary guard units. It is the closest Inn to the DELEM Serai.

There is a small bar selling a variety of cheap ales, wine and ciders with high stools so that customers can sit up at the bar and chat to the bar tender, as well as a few smaller tables and chairs. The large common room has trestle tables and benches and there is a dart-board in the corner – food is generally a vegetable stew. There are three bunk rooms that can accommodate 10 people each - each has 5 pairs of bunks, a table and stools in the middle of the room and a small iron stove at the far end, There is space under the bunks for travelling bags and hooks around the walls for clothes and cloaks.

It normally costs 2 sp to stay here overnight – 3sp if you include meals.

The Fifth Army Restaurant

An expensive restaurant overseen by Xantian of Taldor a man with a Taldan Accent and a full beard. He claims to be from a Taldan Senatorial Family, and that his chefs are all pure blood Taldan. The food and wine here is slightly exotic, but very good and very expensive. You should expect to see courtiers and minor nobles eating here.

You should dress in your best clothes and expect to pay at least 1gp for your meal. However, it will be very good food.

The Dragon’s Head (Tavern)

Ths tavern is frequented by the warriors and duellers of the city. The walls are decorated with a wide selection of swords, blades and bucklers. Arguments and fist fights often break out among devotees of the various duelling schools, only the strict no weapon’s policy stops it escalating to a full blown duel. The Dragon’s head doesn’t even have a place to check your weapons. If you want to drink in here, you leave your weapons at home. However, it is the place for Duellists to drink – perhaps because even they recognise that coming here means they can’t get caught up in a drunken duel on the way home. The Dragon’s head does not have rooms to let, it does fairly pain cold food (Ploughmans, etc) (@2sp) but it has a wide range of ales, wines and spirits.

The Golden Flute (Tavern)

This is a Tavern and very basic inn - and the home or Restov's Musicians. The large bar/ common room is often filled with music, from a variety of formal and informal entertainers. Anyone (who has a basic talent) is free to take the stage and busk for coin and ale during the day, although evenings and weekends have a more formal program of entertainment. Many a young entertainer has scored a basic meal and a few coppers from the stage of The Flute.

There is a large range of drinks, but the food is fairly basic (Poor meals). Many people eat elsewhere and come here for the entertainment afterwards.

Accommodation is equally basic a single bunk room, that charges 3sp per bed per night. However, many an entertainer has been allowed to bed down on the floor for next to nothing. However, should you meet a companionable young lady or man here, they may well be interesting in taking a room at the Iron Gauntlet Inn, or a trip to the baths.

Ludivenko's Palace of Dance.

One of the first buildings in Restov to be made of milled boards (as compared to whole or split logs), Ludivenko's has managed to survive sixteen different fires in the three centuries of its existence, never once losing more than thirty percent of its form to the fire. While it has large rooms available for private hire, the Commons Hall, is by far the largest and most popular (due to being open to everyone who can pay the door fee) but with low (7') ceilings and technically in the basement, open every night and where, for the entry fee of fifteen coppers, one can drink your fill of weak beer, eat excruciatingly bad but somehow-compelling sausages-in-a-bun, and dance until you collapse.

Commons Hall: Entry 15cp, ‘Beer’ (1cp/mug), Sausage Bun (1cp) Private rooms: Available for Weddings, Christenings, Funerals and just about anything else. Size and cost vary. Each room can have table service for food and drinks. To at average / good or banquet quality.

Red Table Square (Duelling)

A round stone platform rises about 5' off the ground in the middle of the square, while benches and makeshift bleachers are frequently built to enable viewing by large crowds. Site of many challenges to the death as well as executions, it is the primary site for duels between adherents to the Northern or Southern schools of duelling. Local legend says that the platform has never been washed. During the day you can generally watch junior duellists practice their art. Formal duels seem to take age to start, with the contestants trying to gain a mental advantage over their opponents. B Then there is a flurry of graceful movement before blood is drawn or a winning position is conceded. It is rare that anyone is injured during the day.

The Restov Baths

Public baths with saunas, private bath rooms and a public wading pool - although you need to have used one of the other facilities to get clean first. Prices range from a few coppers, through to a couple of silvers for a private bathroom with soaps, towels and oils. More if you want a massage, or assistance. For a gold you can purchase an hour or two of pampering and massage. Another gold might bring more intimate service.


The Restov Grand Theatre

Host to many plays, concerts, operas, etc., and centre of Restov culture. Currently showing ‘Never Winter Day Dream’ – a light comedy that features a farmer’s wife dreaming of a life where winter never comes and the world is full of fairies, Unicorns, Bards, Minstrels and dancers. Ait is a comedy, with a bit of slapstick thrown in.

  • The Floor – Open area for the commoners to stand – it just costs a couple of coppers to get in. vendors sell ale, cheap wine by the glass and snacks for a few coppers each.
  • The Circle – A semi-circular tier of seat for those with a bit more money – it costs a silver per head and the same sort of drinks and snacks are served.
  • Boxes – for the wealthier patrons - range from 1gp upwards (at 5sp per seat). Waiter service for normal drinks from the bar.
stolen_land/brevoy/restov/restov_inns.1563081297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/14 07:14 by johnb