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Restov Map

City Map

  • 1. The Citadel Home to the Lord Mayor of Restov, the city guard, and the government.
  • 2. The Temple of Erastil watched over by High Priest Ezvanki Keegh.
  • 3. The Aldori Wheel, a six-road 'square' with a dueling table in the center, upon which stands a statue of Baron Sirian Aldori, founder of the Aldori Schools. Tradition states that this is the dueling table upon which Aldori defeated the bandit king to claim the future of Restov, and upon which he defended his 100,000 gp wager countless times. The table is no longer used for duels.
  • 4. The Coeurleon Livery - the primary buyer and seller of horses in the city. They can accommodate nearly two hundred horses on-site, and have corrals and pasture within a few miles of the city that can accommodate a considerably larger number - albeit for only a short period of time.
  • 5. The Restov Grand Theatre. Host to many plays, concerts, operas, &c., and centre of Restov culture.
  • 6. The Dragon’s Head is a tavern frequented by the warriors and duellers of the city. The walls are decorated with a wide selection of swords, blades and bucklers. Arguments often break out among devotees of the various duelling schools, only the strict no weapon’s policy stops it escalating to a full blown duel.
  • 7. The Fifth Army Restaurant – an expensive restaurant overseen by a man with a Taldan Accent and a full beard. He claims to be from a Taldan Senatorial Family, and that his chefs are all pure blood Taldan. The food and wine here is slightly exotic, but very good and very expensive.
  • 8. Two Inn The Hand, a 'cleverly named' establishment with a somewhat more upper-class clientele
  • 9. Matong, a private members club used by the aristocracy of Restov and its surrounding area. Membership is by invitation only and fees are high. It is said to contains a bar, restaurant, function room with small sleeping chambers for out of town members.
  • 10. The Northern Schools. While there are other schools here, many of the schools specialise in the Falcata and Buckler style known as Rondalero. These schools are more varied and less well-structured than the main Aldori school, that, along with the strong Aldori history in the region, makes them less influential. Find out more about Restov Sword Schools here.
  • 11. Rogarvia House. Still called by the vanished clan's name, Rogarvia House is, besides the Citadel, the only building in the city made entirely of stone. It has since the Vanishing become the home of the Bank of Free Restov, the Temple of Adabar's primary financial rival in Restov and in Brevoy. Rumor has it that the Bank's core investors were adventurers who hit it big in the east. One of the clerks who works here is called Rados Kilka DM Note .
  • 12. Ludivenko's Palace of Dance. One of the first buildings in Restov to be made of milled boards (as compared to whole or split logs), Ludivenko's has managed to survive sixteen different fires in the three centuries of its existence, never once losing more than thirty percent of its form to the fire. While it has large rooms available for private hire, the Commons Hall, is by far the largest and most popular (due to being open to everyone who can pay the door fee) but with low (7') ceilings and technically in the basement, open every night and where, for the cost of fifteen coppers, one can drink your fill of weak beer, eat excruciatingly bad but somehow-compelling sausages-in-a-bun, and dance until you collapse.
  • 13. The Aldori Academy. Its challenge stage rarely sees a death, as all duels are meant to be instructional, and thus are by tradition only to first blood. Due to the city's numerous fires in its history, not to mention an occasional bout of arson from competing schools, the Academy technically consists of over a dozen buildings, though doorways are still infrequently knocked through walls or bricked up. It is overseen by Lady Jamandi Aldori, the First Sword Lord, who has apartments here for when she is in town. Find out more about Restov Sword Schools here.
  • 14. The Temple of Adabar. Though officially the priests do not approve of public duelling on their doorstep, one must bow to local custom - and since most of them are Restov born and bred themselves, the placement of their temple at least grants them the best seats in the house.
  • 15. Red Table Square. A round stone platform rises about 5' off the ground in the middle of the square, while benches and makeshift bleachers are frequently built to enable viewing by large crowds. Site of many challenges to the death as well as executions, it is the primary site for duels between adherents of different Duelling Schools. Local legend says that the platform has never been washed.
  • 16. Citymarket. Most of the city shops for food here, more expensive items typically being found in speciality shops in the area leading into the Aldori Wheel (#3).
  • 17. Borough Court. A collection of the 'better quality' shops in Restov. Including:-
    • Marcus Magics - Home and workshop of a mage specialising in the creation and sale of minor magical items. Rikka completed her apprenticeship here.
    • Harbin Tailor - Gentlemens' Costumer
    • Ava Couture - Ladies' Costumer
    • Inverhofenbik - Fine Jewellery
    • Seper Staff Agency - Servants, Body Guards, assistants etc
    • Gosper the Furrier - Fur Coats for the discerning.
  • 18. Dwarf Town. This, the primarily dwarven sector of the city, appears chaotic in structure, at least until you realize that the city's thousand-plus dwarves could not possibly all live in the few quarters found amongst the score or more smithies; the entire area runs three levels underground, and four in some spots. Though more formal stores line the 'border', the best work and prices are found hard by the forges themselves, as the smiths appreciate those not afraid of getting dirt on their clothes - and hands.
  • 19. The Smokehouse, an inn for those who work hard for what they have. Primary clientele are dwarves (from Lowtown, #18) and the Corn Exchange (#22).
  • 20. The Mountain's Toast. Another inn, serving Lowtown dwarves, Trading House merchants, and new arrivals straight in from the Fire Gate.
  • 21. The Iron Gauntlet Inn. Not … exactly an inn of ill repute (most of those are in Riverside across the Water Gate), it sees its share of 'lowlife' dockhands, roustabouts, and the like. The prime 'blending place' between social classes in the city, where the young rich go to do a little 'safe slumming' and where the rough poor from Riverside come across to have an 'upscale' night out when they have a few silver.
  • 22. Restov Corn Exchange. The Rostland Plains are sometimes known as the bread basket of all Brevoy, and this is where the various grains are traded. Farmers meet merchants, traders and brewers to get the best prices for what ever grain is ion season.
  • 23. The Restov Baths. Public baths with saunas, private bath rooms and a public wading pool - although you need to have used one of the other facilities to get clean first. Prices range from a couple of coppers (slow-hours sauna or third-hand bath water & bring your own towel) through to a couple of silvers for a private bathroom with soaps, towels and oils. More if you want a massage, or assistance.
  • 24. The Golden Flute is a Tavern and very basic inn. The bar is quiet, but the common room is often filled with music, from a variety of formal and informal entertainers. Anyone (who has a basic talent) is free to take the stage and busk for coin and ale during the day, although evenings and weekends have a more formal program of entertainment. Many a young entertainer has scored a basic meal and a few coppers from the stage of The flute. Accommodation is in a single bunk room, although patrons are also allowed to sleep in the common room for a small fee.
  • 25. Scattered across Riverside are half-a-dozen Southern Sword Schools, and most specialise in niche styles, such as Arcane, Modern (Rapier & Dagger), Two Sword, One Sword, Free Hand and more. It is the most diverse duelling district in the whole of the region. The Southern Schools are smaller and much less formal than the Northern Schools. Find out more about Restov Sword Schools here.
  • 26. Oppin's Common House. A halfling-run establishment that will serve tallfolk, but whose dining rooms and for-rent living spaces are more comfortable if you don't go over 4' in height.
  • 27. The Silver Dagger. Three stories tall, The Silver Dagger is an average to good inn that attracts the middle classes. It has a bar and restaurant on the ground floor with two floors of guest rooms above. the rooms on the middle floor are well furnished, while those on the top floor have simpler furnishings. There is a sauna on the ground floor that is available for use by all guests.
  • 28. Rostland Courts. One of the quieter and more upscale areas of the city.
stolen_land/brevoy/restov/restov_map.1580804955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 09:29 by johnb