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Merchant Interests in Restov

Black Fir Is the largest merchant House in Restov and is owned by Ioseph Sellemius, the Lord Mayor of Restov. Black Fir owns a Caravanserai with a Large Warehouse out by The Coeurleon Livery, its Offices are in central Restov. It also owns another Caravanserai just outside New Stetven and runs full blown trade caravans between them. It is one of the major players on this route. For political reasons, Black Fir has a small warehouse in New Stetven and Office in the outskirts (so a City base in Restov and a town Base in New Stetven) House Sellimius also own a jetty down by the river and a fleet of fishing boats, but that is seen as separate from Black Fir.

Alston Trading is another Merchant House that is associated with a Restov Politician. It owns a Serai close to Black Fir’s base and handles most trade movement from the rural farms and villages. Its primary trade is grain into the city – and general goods out to the villages. It has a warehouse close to its Serai and an Office in town. Alston showed no interest it trading with Nikvata's Crossing as they don’t have any grain.

DELEM is a small merchant house with a Serai on the west side of the city, but has a licence to develop a town base. The restriction is that they must concentrate on through trade and trans-shipping, rather than build a business based on Restovian goods.

Thonat Letson – Not so much a Merchant House as an individual, Thonat Letson owns a jetty and a fleet of fishing boats. While his boats fish, Thonat also encourages them to travel up and down the river trading with the smaller settlements and they often travel to Nikvata's Crossing and sometimes on to Fort Sarenko.

A few years ago there was a Fishing Fleet war, where a number of owners tried to corner the market – but no-one really succeeded, mainly because the market was too small to support that number of fishing fleets. However, there are a number of other jetties along the river bank – most of which have been repurposed or are semi-derelict. Two serve light boats (Skiffs, Coracles, row-boats etc), used as local ferry boats, or by small scale and recreational fishermen. Another stands completely abandoned and falling to pieces. Others have had buildings constructed on them - one operates as a wet fish shop, another sells preserved fish, while a third operates as a cheap bar.

stolen_land/brevoy/restov/restov_merchants.1563447609.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/18 13:00 by johnb