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Midmarch Province

This is the main holding of Viscount Midmarch, a position currently held by Henry leMaistre, Baron Gates and Viscount Midmarch. It stretches from the East Sellen (ironically) in the West, right the way across to the Tors of Levenies in the East, and includes part of the Narlemarch. There are a number of noble houses with land in the province (Lebeda-Ondari, Aeris, Vallani) which, along with, Lord Henry's personal domains, are administered separately.

The Province boasts three towns - Wyvern Bridge in the west, Oston in central Midmarch and Kunlun in the south. While Oston and Wyvern bridge are administrative and trade towns, Kunlun is home to the Southern Religious Council, and consists of little more than shrines and temples dedicated to the Deities of the Region. The rural villages of Outpost, Junction, Bar-Z and Vallart host troops to protect the roads and provide the crops that fuel the province.

The Narlemarch is a region of ancient forest, overseen by druids, nature priests and rangers, which is treated as a wilderness reserve. The town of Tatzleford acts as the capital of this region.

stolen_land/southernregion/midmarch/rural.1625302870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/03 11:01 by johnb