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The Southern Chapter of the Brevic Knights

The Southern Chapter is part of the Brevic Knights, a Sovereign Chivalric Order dedicated to the defence of Brevoy and eventually responsible to the king of Brevoy (The Order's Grand Commander). The Southern Chapter is a combined chapter, responsible for all the Southern Region, rather than dedicated to protecting the property and status of a single Noble House. Note

Details of Chapters, rank qualification and other orders can be found here.


Knight-Captain is the head of the Order and is responsible only to the regent, who is the Grand Commander of the Brevic Order.

Knight Commander

Knight Commanders are the Senior Knights in a State or Region and titular heads of their sub-chapter. Technically, they lead their troops into battle, although they generally appoint a deputy to act as field commander of their forces. Note

  • Baron Cyrus Lebeda-Ondari - Baron Ringbridge, Commander of the Midmarch Section.
  • Lord Kendrick Winters - Marshal-Dominus of Tusk and Commander of the Tusk Section.

Knights of the Order

A top quality combatant and leader - possibly from the following prestige classes - Student of War, Noble Scion, Justicar, Eldritch Knight or their equivalent . Knights created in 'recognized' Independent Orders , or anyone who has achieved the rank of Sword Lord or Duelling Master in a recognised duelling style, is automatically eligible for this rank if they are invited to join the order. Knights can call on their officers, and the military, for help.

Knights have the right to develop an independent stronghold and to recruit military personnel. In return, they are expected to defend the Region and support the chapter. Knights of the Southern Order are expected to serve with The Field Army, in times of war.

  • Viscount Henry leMaistre - Baron Gates and Viscount of Midmarch
  • Baron Cyrus Lebeda-Ondari - Baron Ringbridge
  • Lord Cass Mordane - Lord Mayor of Tusk Town and Master of Silverton
  • Lord Domitius Aldori-Solanus - Merchant of Ringbridge
  • Lord Adoven Lodovka-Sud - Merchant Venturer
  • Lord-Bishop Andalon de Lebeda - Chancellor-Dominus of Tusk and Bishop of Abadar
  • Lord-Dominus Adoven Lodovka-Sud - Merchant Venturer
  • Lady Viktoria Lodovka-Sud - Merchant Venturer and Lady Dominus.
  • Sir Ethankos - beloved of Pharasma
  • Dame Safiya Vallani - Mistress of Whiterun and Feyfalls
  • Sir Kendrick Winters - Lord Marshal of Tusk
  • Sir Borric d'Cordain - Chief Magistrate of Midmarch & Lord Marshal of Midmarch (npc)
  • Dame Rikka deleMaistre - Armourer and Treasurer-Dominus of Midmarch (npc)
  • Dame Mariam doZima Wolfeater - Leader of Iomedae's Mission in Tusk, and Reeve of Barleyboro. (npc)
  • Sir Tiberezi deleMaistre - Bailiff of the leMaistre estates and commander of Henry's Company (npc)
  • Sir Jensen, the Paladin – Associate and confident of Lord Mordane

Officers of the Order

This is an interim level. Officers must have proved their combat ability on a mission sanctioned by The Chapter's leaders. Note: Officers have the authority to enforce the law, call a posse together, give chase etc. They might also carry out administrative duties and support their knights when called on.

Officers have the right to develop an independent stronghold and to recruit military personnel. In return, they are expected to defend the Region and support the chapter. Officers of the Southern Order are expected to serve with The Home Army, in times of war.

  • Lord Marik Aeris - Lord of Newdawn, Ironkeep and Sootscale.
  • Lady-Dominus Alisa D'Medvyed-Solanus - Purveyor of magical requirements and Priestess of Acanva
  • Marceline - Scourge of Pharasma, based at Silverton
  • Rana Nervetti - Mistress of the Baths
  • Vova - Drunken Adventurer
  • Barbatius Scaurus – Associate and confident of Lord Domitius
  • Percy Arndell - Merchant and Gentleman Poet
  • Lady Bai leMaistre-Kao - First Lady of Midmarch
  • Lady Valoria Lebeda-Ondari - Lady of Ringbridge and Keeper of the Spells.
  • Lady-Dominus Pipre - Lady-Advocate of Tusk, Alchemist and Patron of Learning
  • March-Lord Zelona Veralia - Druidess of Gozreh and leader of Old Keep
  • Minia Dosalic - Swordswoman and landowner
  • Kiera Raincutter-Solanus - Innkeeper in Tusk
  • Maple Dosalic - Druidess and landowner
  • El'indre M'Taro - Swordswoman and mercenary commander.
  • Rook Sanderson - Guardian of Elkwall.
  • Aris'ta - Military Commander, The Old Camp.
  • Zorah - Druidess of the Green and owner of the Bar-Z ranch
  • Lex the Green - Countryman and master bowyer at Old Keep
  • Tansy of Tusk - Innkeeper in Tusk
  • Ron Swansov - Craftsman of Tusk
  • Fiddler Ashfoot - Cleric of Erastil at Oston
  • Quinn M'Taro - Tailor in Ringbridge
  • Quentin Ragoon - Property Owner in New Dawn
  • Dara Algot - Mother and Herbalist in New Dawn

Members of the Order

This is the junior level of membership. Members must have proved their value to the region as a whole, or one of the individual states. Note:

Members have the right to develop a subsidiary stronghold and limited authority to recruit military personnel. In return, they are expected to defend the Region and support the chapter. Members of the Southern Order are expected to organise the The Mob, when they gather to defend their homes.

Most NPCs start at this level.

  • Berta Roth – Businesswoman of the region.
  • Beatrix leMaistre – Pharasman Abbess from Tusk
  • Gabriel The Ranger – Associate and confident of Lord Aeris
  • Pemar deleMaistre – Governor of Wyvern Bridge
  • Sveltlana Leverson – Governor of Oston
  • Loy Rezbin - Governor of Tatzleford.
  • Lutz Stigmar, Priest of Torag
  • Maril Green - long-standing servant of Midmarch
  • Helga of Reedham - long-standing servant of Midmarch
  • Yolen the Reformed – long-standing servant of Midmarch
  • Yasmin Yitis-Aldori – Businesswoman of Tusk
  • Robert Samuels - Master of the Lodkova Military Academy in Tusk
  • Gandred of Ringbridge - Priest and Bailiff of Ringbridge.
  • Bigjob - Associate and confident of Lady Pipre, Bailiff of Barleyboro.
  • Brother Florin - Associate and confident of Lord-Bishop Andalon, Treasurer of Barleyboro.
stolen_land/southernregion/southernchapter.1671534592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/20 12:09 by johnb