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A small fishing village set on the banks of the Tuskwater. It is so small, it can barely be called a village.

Updated Jan 2021

  • Reedham Jetty - this serves as a base for the local small-scale fisherfolk (skiffs and row boats), a commercial fishing boat and a single Military Launch that patrols the local waters.
  • Reedham community Hall - an impressive name for a local hall - it serves the community as a common working area, as well as hosting local shindigs and meetings. Visitors might be allowed to stay overnight.
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  • The Swamp Witch - A few miles outside the village is the Swamp Witch Hut. The Swamp Witch, properly called Elga Verniex, has lived here since before Lord Henry or even the Stag Lord arrived. It is said that she can make magical charms and create monsters - and most people of the region speak of her with awe and a touch of fear. She is also Lady Pipre's mother.
stolen_land/southernregion/tusk/reedham.1620393624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/07 15:20 by johnb