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Drai Shon Archipelago

This large island, with a massive central mountain, is surrounded by rings of smaller islands, far from settled lands, the islands have been known about for many years, but the distance and resistance from local tribes, made exploration difficult and expensive. However, sages have been studying the islands from afar, and have developed a number of theories, which have sparked the interest of people from all around the world. Whatever the truth, it has attracted interest from three different continents, and the locals are resiting stubbornly. The main protagonists are …

  • The Colonists
    • The Hann Empire have sent a colonization force, and a fleet of freebooting buccaneers.
    • Sakar have sent a colonization force, and a fleet of freebooting buccaneers.
    • Sinon have sent a colonization force, and a fleet of freebooting buccaneers, and built a colony called Shangkong
  • The Natives
    • Central Dominions - Hobgoblin military dictatorship led by a Junta. They must have a navy of slave galleys. Use the Karvi as a Hobgob Vessel
    • The outer islands - Very disorganized, no central organization BUT Orc Pirates
    • Paria - An 'Open Port' at the mouth of river, below a Dwarf minehold. It is multi-racial and in the middle of all this mess. Politics are a disjointed, but somehow it all hangs together. As an open port, ships from all nations are free to enter the port and trade - and Paria is the middle man for trade and the ransom/exchange of prisoners. Ships that don't follow the rules are banned from the port and may be attacked on sight.
      It is, potentially, the base for a mixed race adventuring group. For alignment think TN - but only because that is where CN and LN meet and where LE can live with CG -(there are probably slight LE overtones but …)

The Exchange Protocol - With pirating, raiding and other similar activities, if finished up that quite a lot of wealthy people / Leaders were killed, taken prisoner or kidnapped - which meant there was an impetus to agree some 'rules of exchange'. Weapons, Armour, Magic items are seen as legitimate loot - but otherwise, Captains, Officers, Passengers (and anyone else who can convince their captors that someone will pay up) are allowed to keep their mundane possessions, but are sent for ransom / exchange via the monastic house at Paria. All the Human nations follow those rules, as do the people of Paria, most of the time. Some orcs follow the rules - occasionally, and when it suits them.

Long Term Game Plan

Moving pages around

Orcs - need tweaking for the smaller island population. This is the one of the core populations for the outer islands.

Surface potential allies

Surface encounters

Big Island - dominant race is Goblinoids.

Underground Potential Allies

Underground Encouters


consolidated/draishon/start.1714796545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/04 06:22 by johnb