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Finaroka – The History

As told by various recruiting agents across The Empire and beyond …

Finaroka was originally a project aimed to bring more trade to the Razardi Islands and Far Coast states, while providing an 'outlet, for disenfranchised nobles and ambitious adventurers - and was ‘bank rolled’ by a combination of traders, nobles and churches. The initial settlement went well, but the small settlement never really thrived. While it was possible to cultivate some things on Finaroka, they never managed to grow anything, in large enough quantities, to export economically and that was never enough to make Finaroka a profitable investment – and eventually the various investors started to sell their shares in the project – most of them at a loss.

The new investors had other ideas. To start with, they didn’t need such a high profit return – they had brought the island cheaply, and the infrastructure was all in place - so long as the town could limp along, they were happy. But they had another development plan in mind, a colony on the mainland. A plan that, hopefully, wouldn’t cost much, but might make Finaroka more profitable.

The new investors appointed Lady Tara Briganda-Shay as Governor and set about generating new infrastructure and investment for the project - a mainland colony. It is a tough life, but all new colonies are - but there is also the chance of great rewards. For those who are brave enough, there are new lands, and titles to be won, for others there are farms and businesses to build, and next to no competition.

The basic infrastructure is already there. Finaroka thrives, the town of Croston has been established on the mainland and FFTC, a significant merchant group offer cheap passage, and even the opportunity to work passage, down to Finaroka. Even better, there is an Imperial Naval Squadron based at Finaroka as well. Commanded by a Commodore, no less …

And that is where the project stands today. So, can I book you a place on the next ship that is leaving?

consolidated/finaroka/history.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 09:20 by johnb