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Orc Raids

It doesn't matter whether it is pirate raids or land based raids, the Mulholland Delta orcs like to attack at dawn or dusk. Their light sensitivity means they are often uncomfortable during the day, while their lack of Low-Light vision means they are at a disadvantage, against some races, at night. So they prefer to make the most of what they have - sneak up under cover of darkness and launch raids when they think they have the advantage.

When raiding ships at sea, the orcs try to spot a sail by day, track it without giving their presence away, then board the vessel just after dusk, when they have the advantage of dark vision. They try to keep the conflict quick and bloody and, if the ship's crew fall back, there is a good chance that the orcs will settle for looting rather than killing. They will, of preference, take alcohol, weapons, metals, gems, jewellery, exotic food and anything that looks expensive. Mundane cargo is often ignored, as there isn't a lot of cargo space on the raiding boats. If the crew put up a stiff resistance, or if they think there is a chance of pursuit, the Orcs start fires as they leave - otherwise, they don't waste time, and just paddle to get away as soon as possible, although they soon drop to sail slow down to a more sedate pace.

However, if they spot a ship close to shore at night, they will attack just as dawn breaks - following the same process as for a dusk raid.

Land based raids are quick and violent as well. This time they start fires almost as soon as they land and then use the confusion to grab whatever then can. Again, weapons, metals and obviously valuable items are taken first, along with any alcoholic beverages that they find. However, they might grab a slave or two, and take them back to the hills with them.

consolidated/finaroka/orcs/orc-raids.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/19 00:15 by johnb