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Angasa & Galinia

Angasa and Galinia was once one state, a major Celtic homeland, under the auspices of the Briganda family. However, it has never been a stable, or well established, part of the Hann Empire - although it has been part of Great Hann since its inception.

First, was the Wangate Empire, led by plane travelling priestesses of Wee Jas, then Galinia was lost to ravening hordes from the mountains and, shortly afterwards, Angasa was lost to pirates and marauders - although some said that a Briganda renegade was leader of the pirates. Later, Angasa was reclaimed on behalf of house Briganda and Richard Briganda managed to reclaim part of the Galinia coastline. However, his descendents were corrupted by the church of Wee Jas and they turned to necromancy and other dark magical arts to reclaim the land. Galinia collapsed again when the various Briganda factions started feuding with each other, and the land was eventually overrun by Undead, shape changers and humanoids from the mountains. Now the effort to reclaim Galinia has started again, under Lady Briganda-Shay.


Angasa is a bustling island state, its main settlement is a small city, that has been built on the back of trade along the western shores of the Hann Sea. Prince Augustus Briganda (seventh of that name) runs a well organised administration, with clear (and fair) laws that he expects people to follow. Primary Deities are Pelor and Abadar, although the Cult of the Small Gods has a large following here. (Pelor, Abadar, Small Gods)

Galinia is almost the complete opposite, Lady Alicia Briganda-Shay’s state does not have a city, and the Lady’s Tower is situated in a coastal town, part of the Nome Complex. However, do not be deceived by the map, as it shows Galinia as it was in the old days and what the lady hopes to achieve. She has a long way to go yet. Away from the town, there are a few rural villages and a small Dwarf mine - dotted around between tribes of humanoids, and ruins that may be infested with undead. It is not a place for the faint-hearted.

The main deities are Wee Jas, The Small Gods, Cayden, and the Green Faith. The Dwarves are followers of Moradin.

consolidated/hann_empire/angasa_galinia.1703836852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/29 09:00 by johnb